Laserfiche WebLink Occupancy Requirements for HOME-Assisted Units. <br /> (a) At least one(1)of the three HOME-Assisted units must be occupied by or <br /> available for occupancy by households whose gross household income does not exceed <br /> the Very Low-Income limit as specified below. The rent for such unit, including tenant <br /> paid utilities, may not exceed the Low HOME Rent specified above. All remaining <br /> HOME-Assisted units must be occupied by households whose gross household income <br /> does not exceed the HOME Income Limit as specified below, except that after initial <br /> occupancy,tenant incomes in these units may increase up to 80%AMI. The rent for such <br /> units, including tenant paid utilities, may not exceed the High HOME Rent. <br /> (b) As used in this Section 2.2.1: (i)"Very Low-Income"means the <br /> qualifying income with adjustments for family size for very low-income households as <br /> established by HUD pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as <br /> amended, as such limits may be adjusted from time to time, and(ii)"HOME Income <br /> Limit"means gross household income no greater than 60%of area median income, <br /> adjusted for family size, as determined by HUD and as adjusted by HUD from time to <br /> time. <br /> (c) For the purpose of determining whether a household is an Eligible <br /> Household, for the HOME-Assisted Units, gross household income shall be determined <br /> in accordance with 24 CFR 5.609 and adjusted in accordance with 24 CFR 5.611. <br /> Owner shall certify each tenant's income in accordance with HOME regulation 24 CFR <br /> Section 92.203(a)(1)(i), and shall re-certify each tenant's income in accordance with 24 <br /> CFR Section 92.252(h). <br /> (d) Leases for HOME-Assisted units shall comply with the provisions <br /> enumerated at HOME regulation 24 CFR 92.254, Tenant and Participant Protections. <br /> Duration of Rent and Occupancy Restrictions for HOME-Assisted Units. <br /> The HOME rent and occupancy restrictions set forth in Subsections and <br /> shall remain in effect for a period of twenty(20)years (the "HOME Restriction <br /> Term"), commencing upon the City's issuance of a final certificate of occupancy or <br /> equivalent for the Project. Following the expiration of such 20-year period,the HOME- <br /> Assisted Units shall be subject to the rent and occupancy restrictions set forth in Sections <br /> 2.2 and 2.3. <br /> 2.2.2 Compliance with HOME Requirements and City HOME Loan <br /> Agreement. Owner shall comply with all provisions of the City HOME Loan Agreement and all <br /> statutes and regulations pertaining to the HOME program. Without limiting the generality of the <br /> foregoing, throughout the term of this Agreement, Owner shall comply with the following: <br /> 7 <br /> OAK #4832-3506-8205 v2 <br />