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10.10 Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence for each provision of this <br /> Deed of Trust. <br /> 10.11 Partial Subordination to Extended Use Agreement. Trustor and the <br /> California Tax Credit Allocation Committee may enter into a Regulatory Agreement (the <br /> "TCAC Regulatory Agreement"), which constitutes the extended low-income housing <br /> commitment described in Section 42(h)(6)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code, as <br /> amended (the "Code"). In the event of a foreclosure of Beneficiary's interest under this <br /> Deed of Trust or delivery by the Trustor of a deed in lieu thereof(collectively, a <br /> "Foreclosure"), the following rule shall apply: <br /> In the event of a Foreclosure, throughout the extended use <br /> period specified in the TCAC Regulatory Agreement, with <br /> respect to any unit that had been regulated by the TCAC <br /> Regulatory Agreement, (i) none of the eligible tenants <br /> occupying those units at the time of Foreclosure may be <br /> evicted or their tenancy terminated (other than for good <br /> cause, including but not limited to, the tenants' ineligibility <br /> pursuant to regulations of the HOME Program or Section 42 <br /> of the Code), (ii) nor may any rent be increased except as <br /> otherwise permitted under Section 42 of the Code. <br /> 11. Leasehold Mortgagee Provisions. The provisions of this Section 11 shall apply <br /> for so long any portion of the Property consists of Trustor's interest as tenant under the <br /> Ground Lease defined and described in Recital A. As used in this Section 11, the term <br /> "Ground Lease" means the Ground Lease and any extension, renewal or replacement <br /> thereof. The lien of this Deed of Trust shall encumber all of Trustor's rights and <br /> interests under and in connection with the Ground Lease, including without limitation <br /> renewal and extension rights and purchase options (if any), all of which rights shall be <br /> collectively referred to herein as the "Leasehold". <br /> 11.1 Intentionally omitted. <br /> 11.2 Intentionally omitted. <br /> 11.3 Intentionally omitted. <br /> 11.4 Unless Beneficiary otherwise consents in writing, so long as any Secured <br /> Obligation remains outstanding, neither the fee title to, nor any other estate or interest <br /> in, the Property subject to the Ground Lease shall merge with any Leasehold, <br /> notwithstanding the union of such estates in the landlord or the tenant or in a third party. <br /> Any acquisition of the landlord's interest in the Ground Lease by Trustor or any affiliate <br /> of Trustor shall be accomplished in such a manner as to avoid a merger of the interests <br /> of landlord and tenant unless Beneficiary consents to such merger in writing. <br /> 11.5 If Trustor acquires fee title to any portion of the real property subject to the <br /> Ground Lease, this Deed of Trust shall automatically be a lien on such fee title. <br /> 23 <br /> OAK #4825-3934-8270 vl <br />