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and now or hereafter located at or used in connection with the Land, the Improvements <br /> or Appurtenances, and all improvements, restorations, replacements, repairs, additions <br /> or substitutions thereto (collectively, "Equipment"); <br /> d. All existing and future leases, subleases, licenses, and other agreements <br /> relating to the use or occupancy of all or any portion of the Land or Improvements <br /> (collectively, "Leases"), all amendments, extensions, renewals or modifications thereof, <br /> and all rent, royalties, or other payments which may now or hereafter accrue or <br /> otherwise become payable thereunder to or for the benefit of Trustor, including but not <br /> limited to security deposits (collectively, "Rents"); <br /> e. All insurance proceeds and any other proceeds from the Land, <br /> Improvements, Appurtenances, Equipment, Leases, and Rents, including without <br /> limitation, all deposits made with or other security deposits given to utility companies, all <br /> claims or demands relating to insurance awards which the Trustor now has or may <br /> hereafter acquire, including all advance payments of insurance premiums made by <br /> Trustor, and all condemnation awards or payments now or later made in connection <br /> with any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding ("Proceeds"); <br /> f. All revenues, income, rents, royalties, payments and profits produced by <br /> the Land, Improvements, Appurtenances and Equipment, whether now owned or <br /> hereafter acquired by Trustor ("Gross Revenues"); <br /> g. All architectural, structural and mechanical plans, specifications, design <br /> documents and studies produced in connection with development of the Land and <br /> construction of the Improvements (collectively, "Plans"); and <br /> h. All interests and rights in any private or governmental grants, subsidies, <br /> loans or other financing provided in connection with development of the Land and <br /> construction of the Improvements (collectively, "Financing"). <br /> All of the above-referenced interests of Trustor in the Land, Improvements, <br /> Appurtenances, Equipment, Leases, Rents, Proceeds, Gross Revenues, Plans and <br /> Financing as hereby conveyed to Trustee or made subject to the security interest herein <br /> described are collectively referred to herein as the "Property." <br /> 2. Obligations Secured. This Deed of Trust is given for the purpose of securing <br /> payment and performance of the following (collectively, the "Secured Obligations"): (i) <br /> all present and future indebtedness evidenced by the Note and any amendment thereof, <br /> including principal, interest and all other amounts payable under the terms of the Note; <br /> (ii) all present and future obligations of Trustor to Beneficiary under the City Documents <br /> (defined below); (iii) all additional present and future obligations of Trustor to Beneficiary <br /> under any other agreement or instrument acknowledged by Trustor (whether existing <br /> now or in the future) which states that it is or such obligations are, secured by this Deed <br /> of Trust; (iv) all obligations of Trustor to Beneficiary under all modifications, <br /> supplements, amendments, renewals, or extensions of any of the foregoing, whether <br /> evidenced by new or additional documents; and (v) reimbursement of all amounts <br /> 3 <br /> OAK #4825-3934-8270 vl <br />