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first severing the major woody root mass before extracting the trees, or grinding the stump below <br /> ground. <br /> Tree Protection During Construction <br /> I. Prior to beginning work, the contractors working in the vicinity of trees to be preserved are <br /> required to meet with the Consulting Arborist at the site to review all work procedures, access <br /> routes, storage areas and tree protection measures. <br /> 2. Any grading, construction, demolition or other work that is expected to encounter tree roots <br /> should be monitored by the Consulting Arborist. <br /> 3. If injury should occur to any tree during construction, it should be evaluated as soon as possible <br /> by the Consulting Arborist so that appropriate treatments can be applied. <br /> 4. Fences shall be erected to protect trees to be preserved. Fences are to remain until all site work <br /> has been completed. Fences may not be relocated or removed without permission of the project <br /> superintendent. <br /> 5. Construction trailers,traffic and storage areas must remain outside fenced areas at all times. <br /> 6. No materials, equipment, spoil, waste or wash-out water may be deposited, stored, or parked <br /> within the Tree Protection Zone(fenced areas). <br /> 7. Any additional tree pruning needed for clearance during construction must be performed by a <br /> qualified arborist and not by construction personnel. <br /> 8. All trees shall be irrigated on a schedule to be determined by the Consulting Arborist. Each <br /> irrigation shall wet the soil within the Tree Protection Zone to a depth of 30 inches. <br /> 9. Any roots damaged during grading or construction shall be exposed to sound tissue and cut <br /> cleanly with a saw. <br /> Significant Impact <br /> Impact 4.3-2: The project would result in the loss of habitat for the California tiger salamander and <br /> individual California tiger salamanders may be taken during construction of the project. <br /> Finding <br /> Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the <br /> significant effects on the environment. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce potential impacts to <br /> California tiger salamander to a less-than-significant level: <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-2a: To mitigate for the loss of aestivation habitat and potential impacts to any <br /> aestivating California Tiger Salamander (CTS) on-site, the project applicant shall permanently preserve <br /> and manage potential CTS upland aestivation habitat located on the project site between the proposed <br /> development area and Pond 2, located on the adjacent Oak Grove property. The amount of such preserved <br /> and managed habitat shall be not less than the amount of land developed as a result of project construction <br /> (i.e., I:I acreage ratio). The applicant shall preserve such habitat through the recording of a deed <br /> restriction, conservation easement, or other equivalent instrument which precludes future development or <br /> the construction of physical barriers to the movement of CTS across the preserved habitat. The applicant <br /> shall also develop, and arrange for the implementation of a habitat management plan for the preserved <br /> habitat. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall provide a copy of the recorded <br /> instrument (which will identify the precise size and location of the permanently preserved habitat), the <br /> habitat management plan and the federal and state take authorizations to the City. The applicant shall also <br /> provide copies of the incidental take authorizations secured for the project from the USFWS and CDFW <br /> to the City. <br /> LUND RANCH II(PUD-25)RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 6 FINDINGS <br />