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Sewer Connection Fees <br /> Sewer Connection fees are required for all new structures, new residential units and <br /> commercial additions, and may be required for any change or expanded use in an existing <br /> building. Residential connection fees are a flat rate per dwelling unit, regardless of the size <br /> of building. Non-Residential uses are based on a wastewater coefficient, typically based on <br /> gallons per day per square foot. A change in use that results in an increased demand in <br /> sewer flow or effluent type must pay the difference between the previously purchased <br /> capacity and the newly estimated required capacity. <br /> The flow rate is determined by either actual water usage or the following table with some <br /> common uses shown (for uses not shown please contact the Building Division) In addition <br /> to the City of Pleasanton sewer capacity fee, the City collects sewer connection fees for the <br /> Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD), the agency that processes and treats all <br /> sewage for the City of Pleasanton. The DSRSD sewer connection fee also incorporates two <br /> strength factors known as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)and Suspended Solids(SS). <br /> TYPICAL WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTIC FACTORS&UNIT CONNECTION FEES (rates effective 7/01/14) <br /> WW Strength Wastewater <br /> (mg/L) Coefficients SEWER CONNECTION FEES <br /> DSRSD City Total Sewer <br /> BOD SS (gpolsf)• Fee Fee I Fee <br /> Residential <br /> 1-or 2-Family Dwelling/Townhome 229 245 220 gpd/unit $14,823 00 I S 500.00 S15,323 00 <br /> Auxiliary(Second)Dwelling Unit 229 245 88 gpd/unit S 5,930.00 S 200 00 I S 6,129.00 <br /> Condominium 229 245 165 gpd/unit S11,117.00 S 375.00 $11,492.00 <br /> Apartment Unit or Mobile Home 229 245 145 gpd/unit S 9,770 00 S 330 00 I$10,100.00 <br /> Non-Residential <br /> Bagel Shop,per sf 1,000 600 0.24 S 19 01 S 0 55 S 19.55 <br /> Bar,Lounge(no onsite cooking),per sf 229 245 0 35 S 23 58 S 0.80 $ 24 38 <br /> Coffee Shop(no onsite cooking), per sf 229 245 0.37 $ 24 93 S 0 84 $ 25 77 <br /> Day Spa,per sf 229 245 0 30 S 20 21 S 0.68 $ 20.89 <br /> Day Care,per sf 229 245 0 10 S 6 74 S 0 23 $ 6.96 <br /> Dental Clinic,per sf 229 245 0.14 S 9.43 S 0.32 S 9.75 <br /> Gyms,Health Clubs, per sf 229 245 0.42 S 28.30 S 0 95 $ 29 25 <br /> Hair Salon,per sf 229 245 0.10 $ 6.40 S 0.22 $ 6.62 <br /> Ice Cream/Yogurt Shops,per sf 1,000 600 0.21 S 16 09 S 0 48 $ 16 57 <br /> Care Facility,per bed 229 245 100 gpd/bed S 6,737 71 S 227 27 $6,964 98 <br /> Medical Clinic,per sf 229 245 0 37 S 24 93 S 0.84 S 25 77 <br /> Office Buildings, persf 229 245 0 05 S 3 37 S 0.11 $ 3 48 <br /> Parking Structure,covered,per sf 229 245 0 004 S 0 27 S 0.01 S 0.28 <br /> Pizza Take-Out only,per sf 500 275 0 26 S 18.44 S 0.59 S 19.03 <br /> Restaurant, Fast Food,per sf 500 275 0.60 $ 42.55 S 1 36 I $ 43 91 <br /> Restaurant,Full Service,per sf 725 275 0.54 S 39.79 S 1.23 S 41.02 <br /> Retail/Commercial, per sf 229 245 0 05 $ 3 37 $ 0.11 S 3.48 <br /> Sandwich Shop, persf 229 245 0.16 $ 10 78 S 0 36 I S 11.14 <br /> Wine Tasting,persf 229 245 0.18 S 11.79 $ 0 40 S 12 19 <br /> Warehouse/d stnbution,per sf 229 245 0.03 $ 2.02 S 0 07 I $ 2 09 <br /> All Wastewater coefficients are in gallons per day per square foot(gpd/sf)unless noted otherwise. <br /> Each GPD of Standard Strength(229 mg/L BOD,245 mg/L SS)sewer capacity is approx.$67.38 DSRSD Fee <br /> +$2.27 City fee,for a total cost of$69.65. <br /> Page 4 of 10 <br /> Fees Handout as of 03-16-15 <br /> 5 <br />