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Section 3.4 Building Permit and Processing Fees. <br /> (a) Building Permit. Subject to Section 3.2, Developer shall pay to City <br /> building permit fees in accordance with the City's building permit ordinance in effect as <br /> of the Effective Date. <br /> (b) Processing Fees. Developer shall pay to City the City's reasonable <br /> application processing fees for the Project in accordance with the City's fee schedule in <br /> effect at the time Developer submits the applicable Project application for processing. <br /> Section 3.5 Park Fees. Consistent with, and in satisfaction of Developer's <br /> Quimby Act (Gov't Code section 66477) and City Park Fee Ordinance (Chapter 19.44 of the <br /> Pleasanton Municipal Code), Developer will pay City park fees not to exceed $9,707 per <br /> residential unit. The precise amount of this contribution will be determined in accordance with <br /> the terms of the City's Park Land Fee Ordinance (Ordinance No. 1605) in effect on the Effective <br /> Date and the Park and Recreation Fee Credit set forth in Section 4.7 of this Agreement. <br /> Developer acknowledges that the inhabitants of the Project will benefit whether the City elects to <br /> apply these funds to facilities including but not limited to: Delucchi and Wayside parks, Bernal <br /> Community Park, the Bernal Property, Alviso Adobe Community Park, Pleasanton Tennis and <br /> Community Park, Staples Ranch Community Park, Pleasanton Pioneer Cemetery, to open space <br /> or recreational trails; or a combination thereof. <br /> Section 3.6 DSRSD and Zone 7 Fees. Included within attached DA Exhibit C <br /> and DA Exhibit D is a list of fees collectible by City on account of the Dublin San Ramon <br /> Services District ("DSRSD") and Zone 7 Water Agency ("Zone 7") for sewer and water <br /> connections, respectively, for the Project. The parties acknowledge that DSRSD and Zone 7, and <br /> not City, control the amount and timing of payment of such fees. Developer shall pay to City the <br /> amount of such Zone 7 fees then in effect when payment is due or any such other amount that <br /> may be agreed upon in writing by Developer and Zone 7. Developer has satisfied its DSRSD <br /> sewer connection permit obligations through a contract with the prior owners of the Project Site <br /> that transferred certain sewer connection permits to Developer. City shall cooperate with <br /> Developer in the transfer of any sewer connection permits obtained through that contract that are <br /> not required for the Project as allowed by the program through which the prior owners purchased <br /> such sewer connection permits. <br /> Section 3.7 Public Open Space Contribution. Developer shall dedicate to the <br /> public the approximately 161 174 acres designated "Open Space" on the Development Plan. <br /> ARTICLE 4 City Obligations <br /> Section 4.1 Protection of Vested Rights. To the maximum extent permitted by <br /> law, City shall take any and all actions as may be necessary or appropriate to ensure that the <br /> vested rights provided by this Agreement can be enjoyed by Developer and to prevent any City <br /> Law from invalidating or prevailing over all or any part of this Agreement. City shall cooperate <br /> with Developer and shall undertake such actions as may be necessary to ensure this Agreement <br /> remains in full force and effect. City shall not support, adopt, or enact any City Law, or take any <br /> 7 <br />