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TABLE 1. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Mitigation Measures Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Monitoring Verification of <br /> Procedures Responsibility Reporting Action Schedule Compliance <br /> engineer to confirm the absence or presence of Assessor or a Division inspection during construction. <br /> asbestos-containing materials and lead-based paint in registered engineer demolition to verify Date: <br /> structures to be demolished.This survey shall be to conduct appropriate <br /> completed prior to any demolition activities associated appropriate handling of <br /> with the project. Adequate abatement practices, such as survey(s)that hazardous <br /> containment and/or removal for all asbestos-containing confirm the materials. <br /> materials and lead-based paint, shall be implemented in absence or <br /> accordance with applicable laws prior to demolition. Any presence of <br /> PCB-containing equipment,fluorescent light tubes containing asbestos-containing <br /> mercury vapors,and fluorescent light ballasts containing materials, lead- <br /> DEHP shall also be removed and legally disposed of. based paint, PCBs, <br /> and DEHP. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.12-4a: During periods of high fire The project Community Review the Fire Prior to issuance Verified by: <br /> danger or during red flag conditions, operation of applicant shall Development Prevention Plan for of grading or <br /> equipment with small motors for vegetation/landscape implement the Department, the project,conduct building permit, <br /> maintenance shall be prohibited. All mechanical measures as Planning Division field inspection whichever is <br /> equipment shall have approved spark arrestors and specified and shall during construction. sooner; inspect <br /> comply with California Public Resources Code(PRC) prepare a Fire during Date: <br /> Sections 4431, 4435, 4442 and 4437 to limit potential Prevention Plan construction. <br /> for ignition of incidental fires. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.12-4b: Comply with the <br /> WUIP,which requires that vegetation be managed, <br /> that hydrants be operational, and that an approved <br /> Fire Prevention Plan be completed prior to <br /> construction The Fire Prevention Plan requires on- <br /> site fire suppression resources to include shovel, <br /> water pump,fire extinguisher, and two-way radio or <br /> communications for fire reporting. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.12-5a: During periods of high The project Community Verify completion of Prior to issuance Verified by. <br /> fire danger or during red flag conditions, operation of applicant shall Development Fire Safety of grading or <br /> equipment with small motors for vegetation/landscape implement the Department; Awareness building permit, <br /> maintenance shall be prohibited. All mechanical measures as Planning Division Program and WUIP whichever is <br /> equipment shall have approved spark arrestors and specified, including and compliance sooner; inspect <br /> comply with California Public Resources Code(PRC) the preparation of a with the provisions during Date. <br /> Sections 4431, 4435, 4442 and 4437 to limit potential Fire Safety of these plans; construction <br /> for ignition of incidental fires. Awareness conduct field <br /> Program. inspection during <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.12-5b:The project sponsor shall construction and <br /> prepare a Fire Safety Awareness Program to address regular inspections <br /> fire safe behaviors and fuel management.The project after project <br /> would include the disclosure of the Program's completion. <br /> requirements as part of the CC&Rs for the project <br /> development. Alternatively, in consultation with the City, <br /> the proposed project could include the formation of an <br /> LUND RANCH II-PUD-25 19 JANUARY 2016 <br />