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order to review and confirm that the refinance meets the program's <br /> guidelines. Prepare Escrow Instructions, Subordination Agreement, <br /> and all other required City documents and route for signatures. Follow <br /> up with Title on close of escrow, and status of City's receipt of copies <br /> of recorded documents. <br /> Collect all required documents from the applicant. Screen documents <br /> Process Applications for and information provided for income and program eligibility. Provide $650 per DPA <br /> DPA Loans(a) income calculator, detailed checklist and recommendation for approval applicant <br /> or denial with the complete file to the City. <br /> Coordinate collection of required information from escrow and lender <br /> needed to complete City documents including restrictions, notes, <br /> Doc Prep&Closing for DOTs and escrow instructions. Create the documents and route with $600 per loan <br /> DPA Loans instructions for signatures and notary to the City. Scan and file closing closed <br /> package. <br /> Field requests for payoffs of DPA loans, request balance due from City <br /> loan servicer(if applicable), provide City's payoff demand to Owner <br /> DPA Payoffs and/or takeout lender, prepare escrow instructions and Deed of $400 per payoff <br /> Reconveyance for recordation upon payoff. Scan and file copy of <br /> recorded Reconveyance. <br /> Schedule venue, advertise through e-mail blast to dedicated leads, $600 per <br /> City-Specific Workshops and in up to three local newspapers to invite prospective attendees. workshop <br /> (as requested) Present materials to attendees, answer questions, and capture $75 per ad <br /> attendee information to track as leads. creation <br /> Annually, send up to three letters requesting signed certification and <br /> proof of occupancy. Upon completion of annual monitoring and <br /> Annual Compliance compliance, provide the City with a monitoring report summarizing the <br /> Monitoring of Portfolio findings and listing detailed information regarding non-responders or $125 per file <br /> non-compliant responders. Update status in database as Active or <br /> Resolved. If no response after three attempts, report list of Active files <br /> to the City. Follow-up to be performed on an hourly basis. <br /> Inclusionary @Ng@ <br /> Market the BMR units in accordance with developer's City-approved <br /> marketing plan on Hello Housing's website, City's website and <br /> developer's website(if appropriate); place ad in up to three local $2,500 per <br /> Advertising newspapers(each newspaper to be a different language)and advertising <br /> prepare poster for public venues. Market the development through phase <br /> e-blast to dedicated leads in Hello Housing's database. Use imagery <br /> and language established by the market rate developer to ensure <br /> consistency in presentation and image. <br /> Answer all calls and emails from the public and provide the guidance <br /> required to complete the BMR application for lottery ranking. <br /> Waitlist Creation and Prepare online pre-application, full application and paper application. $4,000 per <br /> Management Calculate preference points and conduct a virtual lottery to lottery <br /> determine the ranking order for inviting complete applications, <br /> determining program eligibility and approval for a BMR sale. <br /> Create Workshop Prepare a detailed, PowerPoint presentation with City's program $750 per <br /> Presentation requirements,the application process and home-specific details development <br /> specific to each inclusionary development. <br /> --- — Page 7 <br />