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NOISE(SECTION 4.7) <br /> Significant Impact <br /> Impact 4.7-1: Project construction would result in temporary short-term noise increases due to the <br /> operation of heavy equipment and expose people to noise levels in excess of standards established by the <br /> City of Pleasanton Noise Ordinance. <br /> Finding <br /> Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into,the project which mitigate or avoid the <br /> significant effects on the environment. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce potential construction- <br /> related noise impacts to a less-than-significant level: <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.7-1: Project contractors will be required to comply with Pleasanton Municipal <br /> Code(Section 9.04.100), which would restrict noise generation by construction to the hours of 8:00 a.m. <br /> and 8:00 p.m. on Mondays through Saturdays. All construction equipment shall generate noise levels no <br /> greater than 83 dBA(Leq)at 25 feet. Feasible noise controls that could be implemented to reduce <br /> equipment noise levels include the following: <br /> ▪ Implement best available noise control techniques such as mufflers, intake silencers, ducts, <br /> engine enclosures, acoustically attenuating shields or shrouds. <br /> O Equipment used for project construction shall be hydraulically-or electrically-powered impact <br /> tools(e.g.,jackhammers, pavement breakers, and rock drills)wherever possible to avoid noise <br /> associated with compressed air exhaust from pneumatically-powered tools. However, where use <br /> of pneumatically powered tools is unavoidable, an exhaust muffler on the compressed air exhaust <br /> shall be used;this muffler should lower noise levels from the exhaust by up to about 10 dBA. <br /> External jackets on the tools themselves shall be used where feasible, and this should achieve a <br /> reduction of 5 dBA. Quieter procedures such as drilling rather than impact equipment shall be <br /> used whenever feasible. <br /> O Stationary noise sources shall be located as far from residential receptors as possible. If they <br /> must be located near residential receptors,they should be adequately muffled and enclosed within <br /> temporary sheds. <br /> ▪ Limit continuous operation of heavy equipment near sensitive receptors. <br /> • The name and phone number of the designated project liaison shall be posted at the project site <br /> boundary so that the public can contact the liaison if noise disturbance occurs. This liaison shall <br /> immediately take steps to resolve any complaints received, including modifying construction <br /> practices as necessary to address the noise complaint. <br /> Significant Impact <br /> Impact 4.7-2: Project construction would increase construction-related traffic on local streets for the <br /> duration of project construction. <br /> Finding <br /> Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into,the project which mitigate or avoid the <br /> significant effects on the environment. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce potential construction <br /> period traffic noise impacts to a less-than-significant level: <br /> LUND RANCH II(PUD-25)RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 15 FINDINGS <br />