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the evening when bats are more active, and this work should be conducted under the guidance of <br /> an experienced bat biologist. <br /> c. Mitigation for impacts to a maternity bat roost, if detected,would be determined through <br /> consultation with CDFW and may include construction of structures that provide suitable bat <br /> roosting habitat(i.e. bat houses, bat condos) for the particular specie(s) impacted. <br /> Significant Impact <br /> Impact 4.3-4: Project construction could adversely affect raptor and/or other migratory bird nesting <br /> activity on the project site, result in the loss of individual birds, eggs or nestlings,or the abandonment of <br /> active nests. Project construction could also result in the loss of occupied burrowing owl habitat if <br /> burrowing owls or signs of owls are observed within the project development area. <br /> Finding <br /> Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into,the project which mitigate or avoid the <br /> significant effects on the environment. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding <br /> The City of Pleasanton has adopted the following measures which will reduce potential impacts on <br /> raptors and other migratory nesting birds to a less-than-significant level: <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.3-4: The implementation of the following measures would ensure that raptors <br /> (hawks and owls)and other migratory birds are not disturbed during the breeding season and that <br /> burrowing owls and occupied habitat are not taken at any time of year: <br /> a. A qualified ornithologist shall conduct a pre-construction survey for nesting raptors(including <br /> both tree and ground nesting raptors)and other migratory birds on-site within two weeks of the <br /> onset of site disturbance(e.g. demolition,vegetation removal and earthwork), if ground <br /> disturbance is to occur during the breeding season(February 1 to August 31). These surveys <br /> shall be based on the accepted protocols for the target species. These surveys shall explicitly <br /> consider the burrowing owl as a potential target species and pre-construction efforts shall be <br /> conducted according to the most recent protocol. If a nesting raptor or active nest of another <br /> migratory bird were to be detected, an appropriate no disturbance buffer would be established in <br /> consultation with CDFW. In general, no-disturbance buffers around active nests of raptors are <br /> 250-300 feet, while the buffers around the nests of passerines(perching)are 50 feet. The actual <br /> size of buffer would depend on species,topography, and type of construction activity that would <br /> occur in the vicinity of the nest. The location of no-disturbance buffers would be marked in the <br /> field and communicated to the construction team during the preconstruction environmental <br /> training meeting described above in Mitigation Measure 4.3-2b. <br /> b. A qualified ornithologist shall conduct pre-construction surveys for burrowing owls during the <br /> non-breeding season. Pre-construction surveys during the non-breeding season are not necessary <br /> for tree nesting raptors, as they are expected to abandon their roosts during construction. If pre- <br /> construction surveys (conducted either during the breeding or non-breeding season)determine <br /> that burrowing owls occupy the site, mitigation consistent with the Staff Report on Burrowing <br /> Owl Mitigation(CDFG, 2012)would be implemented. Mitigation measures may include take <br /> avoidance, site surveillance, minimizing impacts through the use of no disturbance buffers, <br /> burrow exclusion and closure(blocking burrows with one-way doors)and compensation for the <br /> loss of occupied habitat. These measures may be necessary to ensure that owls are not harmed or <br /> injured during construction, and that the loss of occupied habitat is mitigated. Mitigation for the <br /> loss of occupied habitat could be accomplished on or off the property through City consultation <br /> with CDFW and the acquisition of the required permit. <br /> LUND RANCH II(PUD-25)RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 8 FINDINGS <br />