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where she cannot consider a road a structure. She stated, in her opinion, roads under <br /> Measure PP and the Municipal Code are structures. <br /> Commissioner Posson thanked Mr. Dolan for spending time with him to bring him up to <br /> speed. He indicated that Mr. Dolan was being very objective in his description, giving <br /> both sides and representing the views the Commission heard tonight very objectively. <br /> He indicated that he went through a rather similar thought process as Commissioner <br /> Pearce, and coming into it relatively new, he tried to look at it from a very objective point <br /> of view. He added that he went back and looked at it, and then looked at the definition <br /> of"structure" in the Municipal Code when Measure PP was passed. He stated that <br /> regardless of whether or not this is the definition that the voters were relying on, this <br /> was what was in the Municipal Code at the time they were voting, and that is really all <br /> he has to rely on. He indicated that he came to the same conclusion that the other <br /> Commissioners did: that a road takes up ground and it would be considered a <br /> structure. <br /> Commissioner Narum stated that she believes she is there too. She indicated that she <br /> empathizes with everybody and that these are always the toughest things and decisions <br /> to make. She noted that it is really difficult to read what the intent of Measure PP was <br /> and what people thought they were voting on, and like Commissioner Pearce said, it is <br /> conflicting; therefore, she had to go back to the text, back to the Municipal Code, and try <br /> to apply it. She stated that she believes she would have to make the recommendation <br /> that a road is a structure. <br /> Chair Blank stated that he is with his colleagues with this. <br /> The Commission was unanimous that a road is a structure. <br /> Chair Blank stated that he thinks one of the things he would suggest to people, and he <br /> understands the frustration of the promises and is not trying to offend any of the <br /> developers of Lund Ranch II or any of the proposed plans, is that there is an alternative <br /> to avoiding this, and that is to develop ten homes back there. He questioned if that <br /> would have been an acceptable development opportunity for Oak Grove, and he stated <br /> that he does not think anybody would have batted an eyelash with ten homes up there. <br /> He noted that he could be wrong, but ten homes in Lund Ranch II should not tip the <br /> balance one way or the other. He agreed with Commissioner Pearce that if there are <br /> really those kinds of traffic issues back there, then they should be brought to the <br /> Planning Commission; the Commission will work with staff, look at ideas of <br /> traffic-calming mechanisms as things that can be done, and if they are not effective, the <br /> Commission and staff will do more things. <br /> Commissioner Narum inquired if there is a Traffic-Calming Committee. <br /> Chair Blank agreed that is an option. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that there have been some discussions in the past out in that area. <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 13, 2013 Page 30 of 35 <br />