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said in 2008: do not build in the hills. He added that it is very simple and people are <br /> trying to make it complex. <br /> Kay Ayala thanked the Planning Commission and the staff for taking this extra time with <br /> this issue because of its importance in the community. She stated that she is sure the <br /> Council will read the staff report and the Minutes to see how diligent all the <br /> Commissioners have been in analyzing all of the data because it is complicated. She <br /> indicated that she agrees with staffs recommendations with one exception: she does <br /> not understand staffs resistance to an inventory of the City ridgelines. She encouraged <br /> the Commission to send a recommendation to the Council that includes ridgelines <br /> inventory. <br /> Ms. Ayala stated that there were three signers on Measure PP Initiative, and Anne Fox <br /> was not a signer on the Initiative. She noted that this whole thing has been about trust, <br /> and Ms. Cindy McGovern does not trust that in the future, Policy 21 of the General Plan <br /> would be adhered to: "Preserve scenic hillside and ridge views of Pleasanton Main and <br /> Southeast Hill Ridges." She stated that the reason Ms. McGovern does not trust that it <br /> would be adhered to is because Policy 21 existed when Oak Grove was first approved; <br /> the General Plan had a policy that would protect the ridgelines, and in addition to that, it <br /> said that an ordinance is to be done to protect the ridgelines before developing in the <br /> hills, and none of that was done. She indicated that she then understands why <br /> Ms. McGovern does not trust Policy 21. She added that the residents of Ventana Hills <br /> and surrounding areas do not trust either, and with good reason, since they were <br /> promised since the early 1990's when the Council approved Bridle Creek and Sycamore <br /> Heights that the road connection for additional development up in the hills would be <br /> through the North Sycamore Specific Plan area. She noted that she was on the Council <br /> at that time, and she trusted the information staff was giving them then that those road <br /> connections could be made, because she empathized with the Ventana Hills people at <br /> that time. She reiterated that they were promised since the early 1990's and these <br /> promises made by multiple Council since the early 1990's have to be kept. <br /> With respect to the "road" issue, Ms. Ayala stated that, as a signer of the Initiative, she <br /> and some others were in the City Manager's office years and years ago, and the City <br /> Manager had asked what the intent of Measure PP was regarding roads, to which she <br /> had answered that the intent was to protect the ridges from housing and commercial <br /> structures. She stated that if they we wanted roads in there, they would have put the <br /> word "road" in there. She addressed the Commission that its task is not to figure out <br /> what the Municipal Code says but to look at the intent of Measure PP, and its intent is <br /> not to put a road across a ridgeline like Oak Grove had, which road would not even <br /> have been considered if Policy 21 were adhered to. She noted that the connection to <br /> Lund Ranch II is not a road across a ridgeline, but a connection to an existing ranch <br /> road there that was promised to the people of Ventana Hills by at least four Councils <br /> previous to the present one. <br /> Ms. Ayala stated that when they were collecting signatures for months, not one person <br /> asked her if this Initiative was for roads. She noted that if people collecting signatures <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 13, 2013 Page 15 of 35 <br />