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Another Goal in the General Plan, under Growth Management, is"to develop in an efficient, <br /> logical, and orderly fashion.° One of the Growth Management policies addresses what is often <br /> referred to as the City's'Housing Cap°of 29,000 housing units. The policy provides, "Maintain <br /> a maximum housing buildout of 29,000 housing units within the Planning Area.° <br /> This Initiative, if adopted by the voters, would also amend the City's General Plan by adding a <br /> new policy concerning Growth Management. It would define a housing unit to include any <br /> residence that has a kitchen and a bathroom. The Initiative also directs that the City Council <br /> shall not grant waivers for, or exclude, any housing units that fall within that definition. <br /> The intent of the Initiative is to protect scenic hills from development, to direct development <br /> away from lands with environmentally sensitive features or with primary open space values, <br /> and to make the Pleasanton General Plan definition of housing unit consistent with federal and <br /> state definitions. <br /> This Initiative, if adopted by the voters, could only be amended or repealed by the Pleasanton <br /> voters at a City general election. <br /> October 23, 2007 Michael H. Roush <br /> City Attorney <br /> City of Pleasanton <br />