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DRAFT <br /> Commissioner O'Connor referred to odors, noting that a bakery would not be removed. <br /> He inquired if staff is going to start judging which odors are okay. <br /> Mr. Weinstein replied that odors is probably not the best example, but there are some <br /> uses that generate odors that are offensive to people. He explained that staff was <br /> thinking of things like motorcycle dealerships, for example, which might be appropriate <br /> in a more central location in a commercial district but not appropriate on the edge of a <br /> commercial district next to residential uses. He added that there are other uses like <br /> Christmas Tree lots that usually require bigger sites and generate a lot of traffic during <br /> certain times of the year. He noted that this just seemed appropriate for this kind of <br /> small site on the edge of a commercial or central commercial district. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor commented that a Christmas Tree lot would not be appropriate <br /> anywhere in the Downtown. <br /> Mr. Weinstein replied that it is an unlikely use. He indicated that what staff tried to do is <br /> go through the uses, working closely with the applicant, to come up with a reasonable <br /> list that would give them a decent amount of flexibility to get tenants into their <br /> commercial space without having any sort of substantial adverse impacts on adjacent <br /> residential uses. <br /> Commissioner Balch commented that the residential use is the only one element that <br /> seems in question. <br /> Mr. Weinstein said yes. He pointed out that this project is being marketed as a <br /> mixed-use project, and that is an essential principle that allows staff to support the <br /> project as staff would not be in support of a solely residential project at this location. He <br /> explained that staff is trying to retain and enhance the commercial character of <br /> Downtown, and this cannot be achieved with an all-residential project in this location, <br /> although staff is very sensitive to comments from the applicant's team that buildings <br /> need to be occupied and that a vacant building does not enhance the Downtown. He <br /> added that one of the costs essentially of this project is, as Mr. Luchini mentioned, <br /> requiring a lot of legislative changes to policy documents. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor inquired how this building could be re-occupied as a residence <br /> if it lost its tenant; if the owner would have to come in and get a Conditional Use Permit <br /> (CUP). <br /> Mr. Weinstein said no; it would require a PUD modification, which is a pretty big step. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor noted that there are a lot of offices down there that are vacant <br /> right now, or when they go vacant, they stay vacant for quite a long time. <br /> Commissioner Balch commented that the neighboring adjacent property is being <br /> remodeled. <br /> Chair Allen stated that in the business world, if there is a vacant retail space and it is a <br /> slow economy, the rent drops and a hair salon or one that is sort of transitional that just <br /> wants a temporary place is brought in. <br /> DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 11/182015 Page 10 of 22 <br />