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shall be appealable to the City Council by Developer. If the Director of Community <br /> Development finds and determines that Developer has not complied with such terms and <br /> conditions, the Director of Community Development may recommend to the City <br /> Council that it terminate or modify this Agreement by giving notice of its intention to do <br /> so, in the manner set forth in California Government Code Sections 65867 and 65868. <br /> The costs incurred by City in connection with the Periodic Review process described <br /> herein shall be shared equally by Developer and City. <br /> (d) Failure to Properly Conduct Periodic Review. If City fails, during any <br /> calendar year, to either(i) conduct the Periodic Review or(ii) notify Developer in writing <br /> of City's determination, pursuant to a Periodic Review, as to Developer's compliance <br /> with the terms of this Agreement and such failure remains uncured as of December 31 of <br /> any year during the term of this Agreement, such failure shall be conclusively deemed an <br /> approval by City of Developer's compliance with the terms of this Agreement. <br /> (e) Written Notice of Compliance. With respect to any year for which <br /> Developer has been determined or deemed to have complied with this Agreement, City <br /> shall, within thirty (30) days following request by Developer, provide Developer with a <br /> written notice of compliance, in recordable form, duly executed and acknowledged by <br /> City. Developer shall have the right, in Developer's sole discretion, to record such notice <br /> of compliance. <br /> Section 6.6 California Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced <br /> in accordance with California Law. <br /> Section 6.7 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement, or the <br /> application of any term or provision of this Agreement to a particular situation, is held by a court <br /> of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining terms and <br /> provisions of this Agreement, or the application of this Agreement to other situations, shall <br /> continue in full force and effect unless amended or modified by mutual consent of the parties. <br /> Section 6.8 Covenants Running with the Land. All of the provisions contained <br /> in this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their <br /> respective heirs, successors and assigns, representatives, and all other persons acquiring all or a <br /> portion of the Project Site, or any interest therein, whether by operation of law or in any manner <br /> whatsoever, including, without limitation, purchasers or ground lessees thereof All of the <br /> provisions contained in this Agreement shall be enforceable as equitable servitudes and shall <br /> constitute covenants running with the land pursuant to California law including, without <br /> limitation, California Civil Code section 1468. <br /> Section 6.9 Assignment of Interests. Rights and Obligations. Developer may <br /> transfer or assign all or any portion of its interests, rights or obligations under this Agreement, <br /> the Project Approvals or Subsequent Approvals to any affiliate of Developer or any third parties <br /> acquiring an interest or estate in the Project Site or any portion thereof. <br /> Section 6.11 Notices. Any notice or communication required hereunder <br /> between City and Developer must be in writing, and may be given either personally, by <br /> 13 <br />