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f. Create a contained and covered area on the site for the storage of <br /> cement, paints, oils, fertilizers, pesticides, or other materials used on the <br /> site that have the potential of being discharged into the storm drain system <br /> through being windblown or in the event of a material spill. <br /> g. Never clean machinery, equipment, tools, brushes, or rinse containers into <br /> a street, gutter, or storm drain. <br /> h. Ensure that concrete/gunite supply trucks or concrete/plaster operations <br /> do not discharge wash water into street, gutters, or storm drains. <br /> i. Use off-site fueling stations as much as possible. Where on-site fueling <br /> occurs, use designated areas away from the storm drainage facility, use <br /> secondary containment and spill rags when fueling, discourage "topping <br /> off' of fuel tanks, place a stockpile of absorbent material where it will be <br /> readily accessible, and check vehicles and equipment regularly for leaking <br /> oils and fuels. Dispose rags and absorbent materials promptly and <br /> properly. <br /> j. Locate wash out areas away from the storm drains and open ditches, <br /> construct a temporary pit large enough to store the liquid and solid waste, <br /> clean pit by allowing concrete to set, breaking up the concrete, then <br /> recycling or disposing of properly. <br /> k. Use off-site repair shop as much as possible. For on-site maintenance, <br /> use designated areas away from the storm drainage facility. Always use <br /> secondary containment and keep stockpile of cleanup materials nearby. <br /> Regularly inspect vehicles and equipment for leaks and repair quickly or <br /> remove from the project site. Train employees on spill cleanup <br /> procedures. <br /> Operation Requirements <br /> The Permit's operation and maintenance requirements include but are not limited <br /> to the following: The operation and maintenance of treatment measures <br /> including but not limited to bio-swales, lawns, landscaped areas with deep-rooted <br /> plants, oil/water separator, filterra units, etc., requires completing, signing and <br /> recording an agreement with Alameda County recorder's office in a format <br /> approved by the State and Alameda County. <br /> 141. All projects, unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer or Chief Building <br /> and Safety Official, shall enter into a recorded Stormwater Treatment Measures <br /> Inspection and Maintenance Agreement for ongoing maintenance and reporting <br /> of required stormwater measures. These measures may include, but are not <br /> limited to: <br /> Page 28 of 29 <br />