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b. Outdoor dining areas. <br /> 8. Bars. <br /> 9. Any building not open to the sky which is used primarily for exhibiting any <br /> motion picture, stage drama, lecture, musical recital, or other similar <br /> performance, except to the extent that smoking is part of any such <br /> production. <br /> 10. Sports arenas and convention halls. <br /> 11. Stadiums, amphitheaters and similar places of assembly which are open to <br /> the sky. <br /> 12. Health and residential and day care facilities, including but not limited to <br /> nursing homes, adult care facilities, child care facilities including family day <br /> care homes, hospitals, clinics, physical therapy facilities, doctors' offices <br /> and dentists' offices. <br /> 13. Polling places. <br /> 14. Private hotel and motel rooms rented to guests, except that up to 25 percent <br /> of such rooms may be designated for smoking guests, if on a separate <br /> floor(s) or if in a separate wing(s). <br /> 15. Private residences when used at any time as family day care homes or <br /> health care facilities. <br /> 16. Enclosed lobbies, hallways and other enclosed common areas in apartment <br /> buildings, including condominiums, in retirement facilities, and in other <br /> multiple-family residential facilities. <br /> 17. Any owner, operator, manager or other person holding an event in the <br /> Downtown, defined as the area within the Downtown Specific Plan, pursuant <br /> to a Police Department issued Special Event Permit, involving a closure of a <br /> public street, a special event, a conditional use permit, or a temporary use <br /> may adopt as a rule of use for such event a prohibition against smoking. <br /> Such "No Smoking" rule of use shall be displayed on signs visible at <br /> entrances or reasonable intervals along the perimeter of such event to <br /> advise guests, invitees and the public about such rule. Violators of such <br /> rule are subject to administrative citation as provided in Chapter 1.24. <br /> B. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, any owner, operator, manager <br /> or other person who controls any establishment described in this section may <br /> declare that entire establishment as a nonsmoking establishment. <br /> C. Notwithstanding the effective date of this chapter, any owner, operator, manager or <br /> other person who controls any private hotel or motel shall have until July 1, 1994 to <br /> comply with subsection (A)(14) of this section. The council may grant an additional <br /> 12 months in which to comply for good cause shown. <br /> Chapter 13.08 PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES <br /> 13.08.190 Smoking. <br /> A. No person shall smoke in any enclosed building in a park and recreational facility <br /> except as provided in Chapter 9.24 of this code. <br />