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Mr. Dolan reiterated staffs recommendation to recommend to the City Council that the <br /> FEIR conforms to CEQA, that the PUD is consistent with the General Plan, to make the <br /> necessary findings to approve the PUD Development Plan, to approve the Development <br /> Agreement, and to approve Option 3 as outlined in the original staff report, the proposal <br /> to divide the neighborhood into two sections with the cul-de-sac off of Lund Ranch Road <br /> that would serve ten lots, and the remainder of lots in the development would go out the <br /> road across the creek to connect to Sunset Creek Lane. <br /> Mr. Dolan then presented the reasons for recommending Option 3: <br /> 1. It honors the spirit of the previous agreements with Ventana Hills. A lot has been <br /> mentioned about whether or not those agreements are legally enforceable. The <br /> City Attorney's position is that they are not, but it was part of an ongoing dialogue <br /> that was incorporated into many of the City's planning documents over the years. <br /> 2. The Sycamore Heights and Bridle Creek neighborhood residents had prior <br /> knowledge there would be additional development connected to their streets. <br /> There was a fair amount of testimony about that and what their documents <br /> included when they purchased their homes and the signs that have been put up. <br /> 3. There has been the primary question here, which is: "Wouldn't Measure PP <br /> prohibit that?" Staffs conclusion is that the City Council has the authority to <br /> interpret Measure PP where it is not clear, and it is not clear that a road is <br /> prohibited by Measure PP. The City Attorney backs that interpretation that it is <br /> not clear and that the Council has the choice; and the City's outside counsel also <br /> comes to the same conclusion. That allows staff to make this recommendation. <br /> 4. The Option represents a compromise between the two neighborhoods who <br /> clearly disagree over this issue. <br /> Mr. Dolan acknowledged that the EIR identifies this particular Option as having slightly <br /> more environmental impact, but these impacts are not extreme and un-mitigatable; they <br /> are fairly routine things that are done in development all the time to make these impacts <br /> less than significant, and that is the process that the applicant would have to go through <br /> in getting the various permits from other agencies to make that happen. <br /> In terms of housekeeping things, Mr. Dolan re-alerted the Commission to a memo that <br /> was handed out at the last hearing that supplemented the staff report; the memo <br /> included minor amendments primarily to engineering-related conditions that would apply <br /> as a part of staffs recommendation tonight. He added that there is one other condition <br /> that staff is recommending. He apologized that this is so late in the game, but one of <br /> numerous emails and letters that came in over the last several days raises some issues <br /> relative to the conclusions that were previously reached about the area of a man-made <br /> slope right down by the creek where the barn is. He indicated that staff went out in the <br /> field today to look at this again. He noted that this is not something that can be resolved <br /> this evening, but staff is suggesting that when the Commission gets to the point of <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 26, 2015 Page 3 of 26 <br />