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Carolyn Lincoln read the following letter from the San Francisco Bay Chapter of the <br /> Sierra Club into the record: <br /> Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council and Members of the Planning <br /> Commission, <br /> In past recent weeks, the environmental impact report was released for Lund Ranch <br /> II. It contained the results of a review of a number of options for the construction of <br /> a modest number of homes and an access road. The Sierra Club's local chapter, <br /> (which includes Pleasanton) has had members perform the review of this EIR, and <br /> they concur with the report's findings, and with the developer, that the Lund Ranch <br /> Road access is the preferred environmental approach to minimize impacts and avoid <br /> construction on high sloping ground. <br /> However, it has come to our attention that the City of Pleasanton administration is <br /> proposing to overrule, and deviate from, the EIR and attempt to push a second road <br /> through the steep-sloped ground. This additional road is not the environmentally <br /> preferred solution, and it will also likely to run afoul of the Measure PP, which voters <br /> approved for the purpose of preventing the environmental damage and steep-sloped <br /> terrain. <br /> It is therefore our earnest request that the City administrators use the EIR as the <br /> impartial planning tool and implement the EIR's preferred project configuration with <br /> the lower impact road that does not violate Measure PP. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Rebecca Evans, Chapter Chair <br /> Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter. <br /> Ms. Lincoln then asked the people in the audience to raise their hand if they support the <br /> content of the letter. <br /> Vicki LaBarge stated that she will speak about environmental impact versus human <br /> impact. She indicated that she has lived on Junipero Street for 30 years and has raised <br /> a family on Junipero Street before it connected to Sunol Boulevard, before there was <br /> any Ventana Hills, and she has seen traffic increase over the years. She stated that <br /> she has been in communication with Mike Tassano about the traffic problem on <br /> Junipero Street and that she is in a way representing a number of people on Junipero <br /> Street because she is also the Neighborhood Watch Captain. She further stated that <br /> she was told by staff that there is no money for traffic-calming measures on Junipero <br /> Street, that Junipero Street is No. 9 on the list for traffic-calming measures, and <br /> Sycamore Creek Way, Sunset Creek Lane, and Bridle Creek are not even on that list. <br /> Ms. LaBarge stated that in addition to the traffic that might be coming down from the <br /> new Lund Ranch development, there is also the high-density complex that is going in at <br /> Bernal Avenue and Stanley Boulevard, which will add much more cut-through traffic on <br /> Junipero Street and Independence Drive by people trying to get home through Bernal <br /> Avenue and do not want to sit on Sunol Boulevard. She asked how much more traffic is <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, June 24, 2015 Page 18 of 45 <br />