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According to the American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation (ANRF), as of April 2015 <br />there were over 1,000 municipalities in the United States (including 175 in California) <br />that specified that all city parks and /or specifically named city parks as smoke free <br />(Attachment 1). This list does not include those municipalities that have designated <br />smoking areas in city parks, those that regulate smoking only a certain number of feet <br />from playgrounds or youth areas, and those that regulate smoking only during youth <br />events. <br />Within the local Tri- Valley area, the cities of Danville, Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and <br />San Ramon all regulate smoking in public parks, trails and buildings within parks to <br />some degree. The following table compares different jurisdictions and their smoking <br />restrictions: <br />The proposed amendment to the Municipal Code (Attachment 2) expands the existing <br />smoking restrictions to prohibit smoking in all City parks and trails, except for the <br />outdoor areas of the Callippe Preserve Golf Course.1 The proposed ban would also <br />include City parking lots adjacent to City parks and trails. <br />Other Options Considered <br />The Youth Commission initially considered a smoking prohibition in only those City <br />parks with tot and youth play areas. This totaled 35 out of 45 City parks. This initial <br />focus was based on the interest to eliminate second hand smoke exposure to children. <br />After further consideration, the Youth Commission determined that: a prohibition within <br />just 35 of 45 parks would create user confusion and enforcement challenges; fire safety <br />interests support smoking prohibitions in open space and trail areas; and public health <br />interests apply to all parks and all persons. Therefore, the Youth Commission reached <br />2 The proposal would allow smoking for golfers on the golf course, but prohibit smoking in the Callippe Open Space <br />trail, and the clubhouse parking lot. <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Pleasanton <br />Livermore <br />(LARPD) <br />Dublin <br />San <br />Ramon <br />Danville <br />Playground / <br />tot sandbox <br />State law standard <br />— prohibit within <br />25' feet <br />Prohibit within <br />100' feet <br />Prohibited <br />in all city <br />Parks, <br />park and <br />bull <br />buildings <br />Prohibited <br />in all city <br />parks, <br />trails and <br />park <br />buildings; <br />except <br />allowed u outdoor in <br />outdoor <br />areas of <br />toff <br />course <br />Prohibited <br />in all town <br />parks, <br />parts and <br />bull <br />buildings <br />Trails <br />Stadiums <br />(unenclosed) <br />Prohibited <br />Prohibited <br />Sports fields <br />Prohibited where <br />youth activity <br />"being conducted" <br />Open space <br />Prohibited <br />Buildings <br />Prohibited in <br />Prohibited <br />and <br />within "reasonable <br />distance" to door <br />or window <br />Prohibited in <br />buildings and <br />within 100' feet of <br />door or window <br />The proposed amendment to the Municipal Code (Attachment 2) expands the existing <br />smoking restrictions to prohibit smoking in all City parks and trails, except for the <br />outdoor areas of the Callippe Preserve Golf Course.1 The proposed ban would also <br />include City parking lots adjacent to City parks and trails. <br />Other Options Considered <br />The Youth Commission initially considered a smoking prohibition in only those City <br />parks with tot and youth play areas. This totaled 35 out of 45 City parks. This initial <br />focus was based on the interest to eliminate second hand smoke exposure to children. <br />After further consideration, the Youth Commission determined that: a prohibition within <br />just 35 of 45 parks would create user confusion and enforcement challenges; fire safety <br />interests support smoking prohibitions in open space and trail areas; and public health <br />interests apply to all parks and all persons. Therefore, the Youth Commission reached <br />2 The proposal would allow smoking for golfers on the golf course, but prohibit smoking in the Callippe Open Space <br />trail, and the clubhouse parking lot. <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />