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EXHIBIT A <br />Chapter 9.24 SMOKING IN PUBLIC AND WORK PLACES <br />9.24.010 Purposes and findings. <br />The city council finds as follows: <br />A. Numerous studies have found that tobacco smoke is a major contributor to indoor air <br />pollution; and <br />B. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined that second -hand smoke is a <br />Class A carcinogen for which there is no safe exposure level; and <br />C. Reliable studies have shown that breathing second -hand smoke is a particular health hazard <br />for certain population groups, including elderly people, individuals with cardiovascular disease, and <br />individuals with impaired respiratory function, including asthmatics and those with obstructive airway <br />disease; and <br />D. Health hazards induced by breathing second -hand smoke include lung cancer, respiratory <br />infection, decreased exercise tolerance, decreased respiratory function, bronchoconstriction, and <br />bronchospasm; and <br />E. Nonsmokers with allergies, respiratory diseases and those who suffer other ill effects of <br />breathing second -hand smoke may experience a Toss of job productivity or may be forced to take periodic <br />sick leave because of adverse reactions to same; and <br />F. The simple separation of smokers and nonsmokers within the same airspace may reduce, but <br />does not eliminate, the exposure of nonsmokers to second -hand smoke; and <br />G. Numerous studies have shown that a majority of both nonsmokers and smokers desire to <br />have restrictions on smoking in public places and places of employment; and <br />H. A prohibition on smoking in all public parks protects children and adults from exposure to <br />second hand smoke, ;reduces fire danger, and limits unsightly litter from cigarette butts, <br />Accordingly, the city council fmds and declares that the purposes of this chapter are: (1) to protect <br />the public health and welfare by prohibiting smoking in public places and in places of employment; (2) to <br />help people to avoid becoming addicted, and to help people who wish to quit smoking, by limiting their <br />unintentional exposure to smoking, tobacco products and inducements to smoke; and (3) to strike a <br />reasonable balance between the needs of smokers and the need of nonsmokers to breathe smoke -free air, <br />and to recognize that, where these needs conflict, the need to breathe smoke -free air shall have priority. <br />9.24.040 Prohibition of smoking in public places. <br />A. Smoking shall be prohibited in all enclosed public places within the city, including the <br />following enclosed and unenclosed spaces: <br />1. Elevators and restrooms. <br />2. Buses, taxicabs and other means of public transit, and ticket, boarding and waiting areas of <br />public transit depots. <br />3 <br />