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the Council to complete what has been a healthy process, certify the EIR and respect the tremendous <br /> effort put forth by city staff and consultants. <br /> Clark Morrison with Cox, Castle and Nicholson introduced himself as a land use attorney representing <br /> Legacy/Lionstone. He stated that the most significant outstanding issue raised tonight seems to be the <br /> drought. All others such as traffic and schools can be dealt with through the EIR and would not be an <br /> appropriate reason to halt the planning process. The applicants have therefore prepared a sample <br /> resolution that applies a standard by which the Council can determine the appropriate time to move <br /> forward again, based upon water supply. Specifically, Section 3 of the sample resolution states that any <br /> further consideration of the specific plan or other decisions regarding the plan will be suspended until <br /> such time as it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Council that the city's total project <br /> water supplies during normal years, single dry years and multiple dry years will meet the water demand <br /> associated with the specific plan in addition to all of the city's other land uses. The resolution <br /> specifically provides that the Council base its determination upon consideration of the provisions of <br /> Section 9.30 of the Municipal Code as well as the final EIR for the specific plan where these water <br /> issues can be more fully fleshed out upon certification, which should contain a complete water analysis. <br /> Vice Mayor Brown asked how the EIR addresses the 29,000 additional vehicle trips per day that are <br /> projected to result from the plan. <br /> Mr. Morrison explained that the function of the EIR is to identify a set of environmental conclusions and <br /> then allow for the public to provide comments to those conclusions. The final EIR would then contain <br /> fact based recommendations on the available mitigations for the City Council to contemplate. Rather <br /> than saying those facts are of little importance and stopping the process here, allowing the EIR process <br /> to continue would help to answer questions like those raised by the Vice Mayor. <br /> Mayor Thome closed the public hearing. <br /> BREAK <br /> Mayor Thorne called a brief break from 9:16 p.m. to 9:24 p.m. <br /> Mayor Thorne said he initially favored stopping the EIR process but allowing the Task Force to proceed <br /> with formulating a recommendation. During the meeting, however, it has become clear to him that there <br /> are a number of other issues that need to be further evaluated by the community. He said that putting <br /> the issues of how to proceed now and whatever final plan might come forward to the voters would allow <br /> for an engaged debate on the pros and cons. <br /> Vice Mayor Brown agreed with the value of placing this on the ballot as is evidenced by numerous other <br /> landmark planning decisions made in this community. She said she is impressed with intelligence and <br /> engagement the public has demonstrated and that she trusts them to make smart decisions based on <br /> what they value about Pleasanton. While she initially supported Option 3, she said she could also <br /> support the Mayor's recommendation. <br /> Councilmember Narum said her position also evolved throughout the meeting and that she is now <br /> inclined to agree with the Mayor and Vice Mayor. She would, however, like to allow the Task Force to <br /> wrap up its process with a formal recommendation. She requested clarification on how the status of the <br /> EIR would affect the binding nature of the public vote. <br /> Ms. Seto explained that without a certified EIR, the ballot measure be advisory in nature. <br /> Mr. Fialho described a two part process, the first of which would ask the voters in November whether or <br /> the planning process should continue as originally described, with the results of the Task Force effort <br /> City Council Minutes Page 12 of 15 May 19, 2015 <br />
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