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ifpgagignia <br /> Subject: FW: Regarding tomorrow's city council meeting (6/2/2015). <br /> SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL <br /> Provided to the City Council <br /> From: Beimin Ni [] After Distribution of Packet <br /> Sent: Monday,June 01, 2015 4:57 PM <br /> To: Mayor and City Council /n i��e/i <br /> Subject: Regarding tomorrow's city council meeting (6/2/2015). Date Y' <br /> Dear Pleasanton City Council Member, <br /> I attended several city council meetings regarding East Pleasanton development plan.As the result of May 19th meeting, <br /> city council agreed to put the development plan to the ballot to let the voters decide whether to continue with the <br /> development. <br /> I heard that placing this on the November ballot could cost the city between nearly$500,000 to over$600,000.Delaying <br /> the ballot to March or June,2016 would significantly reduce the costs and potentially allow for the drafting of a more <br /> clear,balanced and complete wording of the issues to be voted on. <br /> While I strongly support voters making decisions about the future of East Pleasanton, I am concerned that rushing <br /> decisions tomorrow night could lead though in a way that puts an expensive and less than clear measure on the November <br /> ballot. <br /> Here is the way I support: <br /> 1.Halt the East Pleasanton Specific Plan EIR process for now per your vote at the last meeting <br /> 2.Ask the EPSP Task Force to finalize their recommended plan and present it to the City Council <br /> 3.Schedule the ballot measure for March or June of 2016 to drastically reduce the cost of the vote,and let the <br /> people make the decision on whether or not East Pleasanton is re-zoned for massive development <br /> Thanks so much for your time and support. <br /> Best Regards, <br /> Resident of Plesanton City. <br /> Beimin <br /> Click here to report this email as spam. <br /> 1 <br />