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D. No more than two hives shall be allowed on detached, single-family properties <br /> located in the R-1 zoning district, RM zoning district, and Downtown Specific Plan <br /> Area and no more than 10 hives shall be maintained within the A zoning district. <br /> Staff analysis: To ensure that beekeeping is ancillary to the residential use, staff <br /> established limitations on the number of hives that can be kept. These limitations <br /> would preclude the establishment of apiaries for most commercial uses, (please <br /> refer to the California Food and Agriculture Registration Requirements section on <br /> page 12). <br /> Please note that staff has combined the analysis for E and F, below, which can be <br /> found after subsection F.4, below. <br /> E. All bee colonies shall: <br /> 1. be kept in inspectable hives, as determined by the City's code <br /> enforcement officer, animal services officer, or their designee; <br /> 2. have a convenient water source for the bees located on the subject site <br /> that is within at least 10 feet of the hive. Dripping faucets shall not be <br /> allowed; and <br /> 3. have a flyway barrier at the opening of the hive that forces the bees to <br /> cross the property line at a minimum height of six feet. The top of the <br /> flyway barrier shall not be greater than seven feet tall and shall extend <br /> beyond either side of the beehive. The flyway barrier can be solid or <br /> vegetative, or use an alternative composition, as determined by the zoning <br /> administrator, with the dimensions and setbacks determined by the zoning <br /> administrator. <br /> F. All hives shall: <br /> 1. be kept in a usable condition at all times, as determined by the City's, <br /> code enforcement officer, animal services officer, or his or her designee; <br /> 2. have removable frames/combs; <br /> 3. be kept off the ground to prevent wood rot; and <br /> 4. be inspected by the beekeeper no less than three times between March 1 <br /> and October 1 of each year to ensure that the conditions of the hive(s) are <br /> maintained and to prevent natural requeening that can lead to swarming. <br /> Staff analysis: The performance standards noted in E and F are intended to reflect <br /> bee behavior, ensure that there will be minimal impact to adjacent residents, and <br /> ensure that the beekeeper makes reasonable efforts to prevent colonies from <br /> P14-1276, Beekeeping Planning Commission <br /> Page 10 of 13 <br />