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EXHIBIT A <br /> which the project is approved and from the total number of growth management <br /> unit allocations in the regional housing needs cycle. <br /> B. Proration of Project Growth Management Unit Allocations. Generally, the approval of a <br /> growth management unit allocation is intended to be made available to developers in <br /> chronological order consistent with part A (1) of Section 17.36 above. However, in certain <br /> instances when the demand for growth management unit allocations is known to exceed <br /> the number of remaining units available in a particular year, the city may approve a growth <br /> management application in any manner it finds equitable, including assigning unused <br /> growth management unit allocations from previous years or to future years. If assigned to a <br /> future year, the unit allocation will be accounted for in that year; not the year the growth <br /> management agreement is approved. <br /> C. In the event that growth management unit allocations are unavailable during a particular <br /> year and the city has approved a project containing affordable units that is subject to a city <br /> Affordable Housing Agreement, growth management unit allocations from previous and/or <br /> future years shall be approved in the number required to accommodate the affordable <br /> housing units, including if necessary, borrowing from the next regional housing needs <br /> allocation period. <br /> 17.36.090 Use and loss of growth management approval. <br /> A. A project developer may be issued building permits up to the maximum number of growth <br /> management unit allocations established in its growth management agreement provided <br /> that a building permit shall not be issued prior to the year approved for the growth <br /> management unit allocations. Once the building permits are issued, the units may be <br /> constructed at any time consistent with conditions set forth in the growth management <br /> agreement or project approvals. <br /> B. Any amendment to a growth management agreement requires submittal of an application <br /> on a form provided by the Community Development Department and approval by the City <br /> Council. <br /> C. In the event a project developer does not utilize the maximum number of growth <br /> management unit allocations as specified in its growth management agreement, it may, <br /> subject to the approval by the City Council, assign or trade the unused number of growth <br /> management unit allocations for use by a different project provided the parties involved in <br /> the assignment or trade show proof of an agreement regarding such trade. Any approved <br /> transfer or trade shall not be counted as new growth management unit allocations. <br /> D. The city council shall have the discretion to approve rules or procedures concerning the <br /> use, loss, trade, reallocation, and assignment of growth management unit allocations at <br /> any time, including when the city council considers a project developer's development <br /> agreement or other legislative act relating to a project so as long as the overall number of <br /> allowed permits do not exceed the total number assigned to the city for the current regional <br /> housing needs allocation cycle. (Ord. 2054 § 2, 2012) <br /> 17.36.100 Modification to projects with growth management approval. <br /> Once a project has secured a growth management agreement, the project may be modified <br /> without affecting its growth management allocation approval, subject to city council review and <br /> approval, so long as no additional units are added. Such a modified project retains its original <br /> growth management unit allocation. Project modifications as used in this section shall mean <br /> significant changes to a project's design, density, product type, affordability component, <br /> amenities, and other aspects which bear on its original approval. Architectural modifications, site <br /> plan changes, and other project adjustments which are characterized as "minor modifications" in <br /> the city's PUD ordinance shall not need city council review and approval to retain growth <br />