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Any employee except a probationary employee may be allowed to incur a fifty-six (56) hour deficit <br /> beyond the vacation leave credited to his/her account. <br /> Except as provided below in Section 13.4 and for those employees working a forty (40) hour workweek, <br /> vacations must be used in increments of either twenty-four (24) or twelve (12) hours. When used in <br /> twelve-hour increments, vacations must be taken from either 0800 to 2000, or 2000 to 0800. Employees <br /> may take less than twenty-four(24) or twelve (12) vacation hours provided they find their own relief. <br /> The Fire Chief may, however, approve vacation requests in less than twelve (12) hour increments to <br /> accommodate employee enrollment in college or university courses. The courses or classes attended <br /> must, however, be appropriate to employee development. The decision of the Fire Chief shall be final. <br /> 13.3 Vacation Accumulation <br /> Any eligible employee may defer up to a maximum of four hundred thirty-two (432) hours of his/her <br /> annual vacation entitlement to the next calendar year. <br /> Effective January 5, 2013, no employee will be allowed to accrue vacation hours above the cap. At any <br /> time an employee reaches four hundred thirty-two (432) hours, the employee will cease accruing <br /> vacation until such time as the balance falls below the cap. However, in the event an employee has <br /> requested to take vacation but been denied or there were other extenuating circumstances that prevented <br /> the employee from taking vacation, the employee may submit a written request to the City Manager, or <br /> designated Assistant City Manager, for special consideration to carry over vacation balances beyond four <br /> hundred thirty-two (432)hours. <br /> Effective September 15, 2012, any accrued vacation in excess of three hundred sixty <br /> (360) hours will be placed in a separate Excess Vacation Bank for each affected employee. Employees <br /> shall be entitled to use the hours in the Bank for vacation or for extended leave in the same manner as <br /> regular vacation hours. The hours shall be paid out at the pay rate of the employee when utilized. <br /> 13.4 Vacation Scheduling <br /> Vacation selection will be subject to the procedure stated in the department policy except for those areas <br /> specifically stated differently in this article. <br /> For the annual scheduling done in January of each year, seven (7) persons of any rank shall be allowed <br /> off at any given time. Vacation requests by an eighth (8th) or additional person requires the requesting <br /> person to provide the name of his/her replacement. <br /> Vacation shall be prescheduled in accordance with department policy provided the leave time requested <br /> has been earned or will be earned by the time it is taken. The Fire Chief may grant the use of up to fifty- <br /> six (56) hours of vacation time to be taken beyond what has been earned. This leave shall not be <br /> prescheduled or considered earned vacation for accrual purposes. <br /> Vacation can be cancelled at any time, provided it is done 24 hours before the start of the shift. If an <br /> employee cancels vacation after the vacancy has been filled (inside 6 days) he/she must call and notify <br /> 16 <br />