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I <br /> As Mayor Thorne prepared to open the public hearing, Mr. Lowell explained that Councilmember Olson <br /> has a conflict of interest in that he owns a home which is now his primary residence that is adjacent to <br /> the Plan area. While this requires that he recuse himself from participating in the decision making <br /> process tonight, the Political Reform Act and regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission do <br /> recognize that he is still entitled to certain First Amendment rights. As noted earlier, Councilmember <br /> Olson has submitted his name and wishes to speak as a private citizen only regarding this topic. When <br /> called, he will reenter the Council Chamber, address the Council and then leave the Chamber again <br /> before the Council continues with its deliberations. <br /> Mayor Thorne opened the item for public comment. <br /> Ame Olson said he has reviewed the Preliminary Draft Plan and acknowledged the time and <br /> consideration of the Task Force in preparing the document. He encouraged the Council to move <br /> forward with evaluating all of the alternatives presented and to authorize the City Manager to approve <br /> the amendment to the Professional Services Agreement. He reminded the Council and public that this <br /> is still a preliminary stage and that no specific project or number of units is being approved at this time. <br /> Herb Ritter, Task Force Co-Chair, thanked staff and all members of the Task Force for their work on <br /> what is an undeniably challenging topic. He stated that the Task Force has spent the last 29 months <br /> holding many interesting discussions, most of which included conflicting opinions and desires, through <br /> a very respectful process. He read the Vision Statement and said he felt the Task Force balanced the <br /> needs, desires and wishes of the public with responsible planning for the future of the East Side. He <br /> said he looked forward to the public outreach meetings that are to come and thanked the Council for <br /> the opportunity to participate in this process. <br /> Sandra Yamaoda stated that while she applauds much of the development that has occurred over the <br /> last 25 years in Pleasanton, the suggestion that a plan calling for the development of 1,300 homes on <br /> land that is not at suitable for development is beyond comprehension. She cited specific concerns <br /> related to water and schools and said that the plan would seem to favor diminishing the quality of life for <br /> existing residents simply to enrich it for those who do not yet live here. She also cited traffic concerns <br /> specifically related to Stanley Boulevard, Valley Avenue and Santa Rita Road and said she could think <br /> of no mitigation that would not adversely affect businesses and residents along those same <br /> thoroughfares. She said the focus should be on what is best for Pleasanton as opposed to predicating <br /> the number of homes on the cost of infrastructure. She also reminded the Mayor of his promise to put <br /> the plan that ultimately comes forward before the voters and asked that he keep his word. <br /> Pat Costanzo, Task Force member representing Kewitt Properties, thanked staff and the Task Force for <br /> over two years of diligent work. He said the Base Plan represents a comprehensive and well-planned <br /> mixed-use community with an average residential density of 6 units per acre, which is very <br /> representative of the average density seen throughout the rest of Pleasanton. He said the Plan also <br /> creates a number of significant benefits including $100 million in infrastructure comprised of roads and <br /> streets, extension of the Iron Horse Trail down to Stanley Boulevard, parks and a new school. He noted <br /> that approximately 60% of the proposed school's capacity would actually serve the surrounding <br /> community, alleviating some of the demand on existing schools. He said that both Kewitt and the Task <br /> Force look forward to working with the community throughout this process and encouraged the Council <br /> to offer its support in moving the Plan forward. <br /> Councilmember Brown returned a document she had inadvertently taken when meeting with Mr. <br /> Costanza earlier in the day. <br /> Paul White, Kewitt Properties' real estate division, stated that Kewitt has 70 years of general <br /> contracting experience in the Bay Area and is privileged enough to have worked on a number of <br /> regionally significant projects. Kewitt purchased its 50-acre property in 1969 and, after realizing that a <br /> heavy industrial use is no longer the right use for the site, has spent the last 11 years working with the <br /> City Council Minutes Page 8 of 18 Dec 16, 2014 <br />