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• <br /> Project trip generation for the proposed project was developed based on trip generation rates <br /> contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) publication Trip Generation, 9th <br /> Edition. This is a standard reference used by jurisdictions throughout the country and is based <br /> on actual trip generation studies at numerous locations in areas of various populations. The <br /> convenience market is expected to generate approximately 165 additional trips in the a.m. <br /> peak hours and approximately 129 additional trips in the p.m. peak hours, based on the AM <br /> trip generation rate of 67.03 trips per 1,000 square feet of building space and the PM trip <br /> generation rate of 52.41 trips per 1,000 square feet. The ITE handbook indicates that <br /> approximately 50% of the trips to a convenience market are pass-by trips, i.e., trips associated <br /> with motorists who are already on the road and making a stop on their way to another <br /> destination. Taking pass-by trips into account, the project would generate 83 net new trips in <br /> the a.m. peak hours and 65 net new trips in the p.m. peak hours. This is not a significant <br /> increase in the peak hours. In addition the carwash would not be expected to generate a <br /> substantial number of independent vehicle trips because trips to the carwash would typically <br /> occur in conjunction with trips to the gas pumps and/or convenience market. <br /> The City's 2005-2025 General Plan Circulation Element includes existing and peak-hour traffic <br /> volumes on major roadways, and peak-hour volumes expected to occur at buildout of the <br /> General Plan. Table 5 below shows the existing and anticipated a.m. and p.m. peak-hour <br /> traffic volumes on Santa Rita Road and W. Las Positas Boulevard: <br /> Table 5: Existing and Buildout Traffic at Peak Hours <br /> Existing A.M. Buildout Existing P.M. Buildout <br /> Peak-Hour Volumes Peak-Hour Volumes <br /> Volumes Volumes <br /> Santa Rita Rd. north of W. Las 2,290 3,400 3,330 4,400 <br /> Positas Blvd. <br /> Santa Rita Rd. south of W. Las 3,010 3,400 3,340 3,900 <br /> Positas Blvd <br /> W. Las Positas Blvd. east of 1,390 1,500 1,860 2,000 <br /> Santa Rita Rd. <br /> W. Las Positas Blvd. west of 2,190 3,400 2,620 3,700 <br /> Santa Rita Rd. <br /> The Pleasanton General Plan requires site-specific traffic studies for all major developments <br /> which have the potential to exceed Level of Service (LOS) D at major intersections and <br /> requires developers to implement the mitigation measures identified in these studies in order to <br /> maintain LOS D or better. Exceptions are made for the Downtown and Gateway Intersections' <br /> where the LOS D or better standard may be exceeded. <br /> The General Plan indicates the existing LOS during the p.m. peak-hour at W. Las Positas <br /> Boulevard and Santa Rita Road is LOS C. At General Plan buildout, the LOS at the <br /> intersection would be LOS D. As the proposed project would generate a small amount of <br /> Per the General Plan, consideration may be given to traffic improvements at Gateway Intersections when it is <br /> determined that such improvements are necessary and are consistent with maintaining visual character, <br /> landscaping, and pedestrian amenities. <br /> PUD-102/P14-0014 Planning Commission <br /> Page 17 of 26 <br />