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operations may result in airborne particulate matter, bright lights, noise <br />and vibration, unattractive visual appearance, and heavy truck traffic. El <br />Charro Road serves as the main access route to the Quarry Lands and is <br />subject to a high volume of heavy truck traffic related to the Quarry Lands. <br />c. All property owners shall attach the following rider to each deed for any <br />property within the Staples Ranch Site: <br />Grantee hereunder acknowledges and agrees that the subject property is <br />located in the vicinity of active and operating quarries and <br />processing facilities. Grantee also acknowledges that quarry <br />operations may result in airborne particulate matter, bright lights, noise <br />and vibration, unattractive visual appearance, and heavy truck traffic on <br />El Charro Road and adjacent streets and roadways within or <br />outside the quarries. Grantee accepts possible inconvenience of <br />discomfort from any of the foregoing and Grantee hereby <br />acknowledges and agrees that no claim of nuisance shall lie based on <br />any of the foregoing. Grantee hereby covenants to include this same <br />paragraph, in its entirety, in any subsequent deed by Grantee of all or any <br />portion of the subject property. Grantee further covenants to include this <br />same paragraph within any lease for all or any portion of the subject <br />property. <br />Climate Action Plan <br />57. In accordance with Climate Action Plan Measure LU3 -3, the project developer <br />shall encourage transit use and provide pedestrian and bicycle facilities on -site. <br />58. In accordance with Climate Action Plan Measure TR1 -9, the applicant or <br />responsible party shall ensure that drivers of diesel vehicles on the subject site <br />do not idle their vehicles. <br />59. In accordance with Climate Action Plan Measures NMI-4, NMI -5, and NM1 -8, <br />the applicant or responsible party shall provide safe and convenient bicycle <br />parking and bicycle - related improvements. Said improvements may include <br />bicycle storage (wall mounted racks in covered areas for employees), work -place <br />provision for showers, or other alternative approved by the Director of <br />Community Development. <br />60. In accordance with Climate Action Plan Measure TDM1 -6, the applicant shall <br />provide at least one electric charging station for plug -in vehicles. Said charging <br />station shall be identified on plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division <br />for permits. <br />61. In accordance with Climate Action Plan Measure TDM2 -7, the applicant or <br />responsible party shall provide transit passes or other transit use incentives for a <br />period of one year to new employees establish transit use patterns for <br />employees. <br />PUD -106, Chrylser- Jeep -Dodge Page 10 <br />