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3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS <br />3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS <br />3.1 Basis for Decision to Prepare Addendum <br />When an environmental impact report (EIR) has been certified for a project, Public Resources <br />Code Section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 through 15164 set forth the criteria for <br />determining whether a subsequent EIR, subsequent negative declaration, addendum, or no <br />further documentation should be prepared in support of further agency action on the project. In <br />determining whether on addendum is the appropriate document to analyze the modifications <br />to the project and its approval, CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 (Addendum to an EIR or <br />Negative Declaration) states, "The lead agency or a responsible agency shall prepare an <br />addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of <br />the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have <br />occurred." Under the CEQA Guidelines, a subsequent EIR or negative declaration shall be <br />prepared if any of the following criteria are met. Text in italics is from the CEQA Guidelines, while <br />underlined text provides the substantial evidence supporting the City's decision to prepare an <br />addendum. <br />(a) When an EIR has been certified or negative declaration adopted for a <br />project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead <br />agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in the light of the <br />whole record, one or more of the following: <br />(I) Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major <br />revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the <br />involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial <br />increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; <br />The Housing Element does not propose any chanaes to existing land use designations in the <br />General Plan, nor does the Housing Element propose any changes to existing General Plan <br />policies. The programs of the Housing Element resulting in revisions to the Zoning Ordinance bring <br />the ordinance into compliance with State law. Programs 17.1 and 47.1 are reauired by the State <br />of California in order to provide adeauate housing and remove anv constraints to adeauate <br />housing for all persons in the State. None of the chanaes result in physical changes to the <br />environment and therefore do not affect the impact analysis contained in the General Plan <br />Amendment and Rezonings Supplemental EIR <br />(2) Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which <br />the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous <br />EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant <br />environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously <br />identified significant effects; or <br />The General Plan was adopted on July 21 2009 Since that time, a number of land use changes <br />were implemented which were analyzed in the General Plan Amendment and Rezonings <br />Supplemental EIR. The City has not changed the city boundaries since the adoption of the <br />General Plan or the certification of the Supplemental EIR. The 2015 -2023 Housing Element does <br />pot propose any annexation of land nor does it increase the intensity of development bevond <br />that identified in the General Plan, Therefore. the Housing Element is consistent with the land use <br />assumptions of the General Plan Amendment and Rezonings Supplemental EIR. No substantial <br />chanaes in circumstances have occurred. <br />City of Pleasanton <br />August 2014 <br />Housing Element <br />Addendum to the General Plan Amendment and Rezonings Supplemental EIR <br />3.0 -1 <br />