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.~ESOIAITION NO. 1~89 <br /> <br />ACOEPTIA~ I~RY OF A DEED I~M C. ~. RICHARI~ a~ ~i~L RIGNAPJ)S, <br />HIS WIFE~ TO THE TOWN OF P~ASANTON and AUTHORIZING TPE S_~ME TO BE <br />l~C 0t11~ ~'~ <br /> <br />BE IN RESOLVI~D BY THE TO~,~I COUNCIL OF TIt~ T0~ OF PLEASAI~N <br /> <br />AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />.That del~Vel.~ ~o the Town of Pleasanten of that certain <br /> <br />Dmei date~ l~ay _~ ,,, ~ 19~6., f~a C. 8. RIC~DS a~d HAZEL RIC~DS, <br /> <br />his wife, ~ the Town cf Pleaaanten, ~u~ty o~' ~lemeda, State of <br /> <br />California, to the TO%~ OF PLi,;AS.~NTON, a mttnicipal corpo~tion, be <br /> <br />and the same is hel~by accepted by the ~own ~f Pleasanton, which <br /> <br />said Deed conveys to the Town of Pleasa~t~ the following described <br /> <br />real property, to-wit: <br /> <br /> Ail that certain piece or parcel of land situate, <br />lying and being in the Township of Pleaeanton, County <br />of Alame~a, State of California, moxe particularly <br />Aeacribed as follows: <br /> <br /> BEGINNII~ at the point of intersection c~ the <br />dividing line between that certain tract of land thix~- <br /> .i~state <br />lY ~ese~be~ Zu the Decree of Dl~tribution of the~ndOW, <br />e~ ~eph Le~,_~eeea~, te Carrie A. Lewis, a <br />date~ April ~, X$~I and reco~de4 April ~4, 1551 <br /> <br />Liber 25~3 of O~flsial Records, at page 323, Records of <br />Alame4a County, California, and that certain tract of <br />la~ hereinafte~ l~fer~ed to, with the Northeastern line <br />of County Road No. 257~, commonly known as Division <br />Street, in the T~wn of Pleasanton, Alameda CO~ty, <br />California, said point of beginning being distant along <br /> said orthea,tern ll., of cowry <br /> 45' west 5?3,90 feet f~om the ~oint of intera~etion <br />thereof with the Northel~n line of St. Mary Street in <br />said Town of Pleasanton; thence ~ontinulng along the <br />sa~d Northeastern line of County Roa~ No. 2§?~ North <br />41~ 45* West 3~.9~ feet to an angle therein; thence <br />leaving the said Northeastern line of County I~a~ No. <br />25?8 North I10 §?* East ~2.51 feet; ~henee Horth' 78° <br />58' East 2~.84 feet; thence South 17~ 55' East ~0.01 <br />feet~ thence South ~lo 5~* East ~68.44 feet; thence <br />South 58° 24' East 27.31 feet to the hereinabove re- <br />£srred to divldim~ line; thence alom~ the last <br />line ~outh 46° O0* West 34.~0 feet to the point of <br /> <br /> BEING a portion of that cci-rain tract of land <br />~escx~.bed in the Deed from Elizabeth L. Lucas to C. S. <br />Richards, date~ August ?, 1935 and recorded September <br />28, 193~ in Liber ~240 of Official Records, at pa~e <br />144, P~cords of Alameda Oounty, California. <br /> <br /> <br />