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d. Building/Structures shall be designed to minimize the occurrence and entry of <br /> pests into buildings, thus minimizing the need for pesticides, as determined by <br /> the Chief Building Official prior to the issuance of a building permit. <br /> e. The project's landscape and irrigation plans shall be designed to: 1) minimize the <br /> use of fertilizers and pesticides that can contribute to stormwater pollution; and 2) <br /> promote surface infiltration. Prior to the installation of project landscaping and <br /> irrigation, the project landscape architect shall submit a landscaping and <br /> irrigation plan to the City Engineer for review and approval and submit written <br /> verification stating the project incorporates the following: <br /> i. Plants tolerant of saturated soil conditions and prolonged exposure to <br /> water in areas that provide detention of water. <br /> H. Plants and soil amendments appropriate to site specific characteristics <br /> such as topography and climate. <br /> Hi. Landscaping and irrigation consistent with Bay-Friendly Landscaping. <br /> iv. Water conservation techniques to promote surface infiltration. <br /> f. Trash dumpsters and recycling containers shall be in an enclosed and roofed <br /> area to minimize water flowing in and from the area and to contain litter and trash <br /> to minimize disbursement by the wind or runoff. These areas shall not drain to <br /> the storm drain system, but to the sanitary sewer system and an area drain shall <br /> be installed in the enclosure area with a structural control such as an oil/water <br /> separator or sand filter. No other area shall drain into the trash enclosure; a <br /> ridge or a berm shall be constructed to prevent such drainage if found necessary <br /> by the City Engineer/Chief Building Official. A sign shall be posted prohibiting the <br /> dumping of hazardous materials into the sanitary sewer. <br /> g. All paved outdoor storage areas shall be designed to minimize pollutant runoff. <br /> Bulk materials stored outdoors that may contribute to the pollution of stormwater <br /> runoff must be covered as deemed appropriate by the City Engineer/Chief <br /> Building. <br /> h. All metal roofs, gutters, and downspouts shall be finished with rust-inhibitive <br /> finish/paint as determined by the Chief Building Official. <br /> i. All projects using architectural copper roofing, gutters, downspouts, etc., shall <br /> utilize the following Best Management Practices for the use and maintenance: <br /> i. During installation, copper material shall be pre-patinated at the factory, if <br /> available. If patination is done on-site, collect the rinse water in a tank and <br /> haul off-site for disposal. With prior authorization from Dublin San Ramon <br /> Services District (DSRSD), the rinse water may be collected in a tank and <br /> discharged to the sanitary sewer. Consider coating the copper materials <br /> with a clear coating that prevents further corrosion and stormwater <br /> pollution. The clear coating, if utilized, shall be reapplied (as <br /> recommended by the coating manufacturer) to maintain its efficacy. <br /> PUD-85-02-02D-06M, Lexus of Pleasanton Page 20 of 24 <br />