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space, preserve the majority of existing trees along West Las Positas, and create and inviting plaza <br /> with a fountain and seating near the intersection of Hacienda and West Las Positas. Throughout the <br /> project, the proposed palette reflects the local climate, provides color texture and diversity and <br /> conforms to all current state and local green building landscape requirements. <br /> Following initial presentation of the project to the Planning Commission and based on feedback from <br /> Parkside residents, a number of changes were made to protect the privacy for neighbors to the south of <br /> the Arroyo. As noted, the south facing second floor balconies and third story portion of Buildings C and <br /> D were eliminated. The swimming pool and spa, community facility, dog wash area and trash closures <br /> were relocated away from the southern portion of the site and redesigned to minimize noise and <br /> impacts. A solid six foot masonry wall was added to the rear property line and a connecting wall added <br /> between Buildings C and D to increase privacy and reduce noise. He noted that Summerhill did work <br /> with an acoustical engineer to evaluate the potential for noise reflection off of the masonry wall and, <br /> based on their recommendations, will use an articulated textural surface on the southern side of the <br /> wall to diffuse any potential impacts. The project now proposes to preserve all existing trees and <br /> provide additional trees and shrubs along the southern property line as well as to add an evergreen <br /> hedge and two rows of trees along the entire property line. Changes to the project architecture include <br /> wooden gates at patio entries, additional awnings, rafter tails, sconces, recessed windows, and altered <br /> color palette, additional exterior brick and banding at key locations and a redesigned end unit in <br /> Building A. Summerhill also reached an agreement with Chamberlain Associates to provide a total of <br /> six carports on the southerly portion of the site, positioned such that they do not distract from the <br /> current views from Chamberlain Associate's leasing office. <br /> Mr. Ebrahimi said he believed the project improved significantly as a result of this collaborative process <br /> and requested approval by the Council. <br /> Councilmember Brown disclosed meeting with the applicant. She asked that he share a slide regarding <br /> traffic with the remainder of the Council and public. <br /> Mr. Ebrahimi complied, demonstrating modifications to existing right hand turn and through lanes <br /> leading to the project. <br /> Mayor Thorne said the city may request that the proposed fountain not be used if the drought is still in <br /> effect. <br /> Mr. Ebrahimi said he is happy to work with staff to explore feature alternatives and noted the project is <br /> being designed for use with recycled water. <br /> Councilmember Cook-Kallio asked about the minimum distance between the project and the Parkside <br /> development. <br /> Mr. Ebrahimi said there is approximately 240 feet between the rear fence of the closest Parkside <br /> residence and the nearest building face of the project. <br /> Robert Natsch, Parkside resident, thanked city staff and the applicant for incorporating the requested <br /> design modifications which do help to improve the overall appearance of the project. He noted that his <br /> two-story home faces the project and his master bedroom window has a clear view of the parking lot as <br /> well as over Buildings C and D, providing him with a much different perspective than some standing on <br /> the Arroyo as depicted by staff. He said he was encouraged by the applicant's sound mitigating efforts, <br /> though he had hoped for an eight foot masonry wall for privacy reasons. He said he did not oppose the <br /> 350+ residents of the project using existing access to the south side of the Arroyo, but expressed <br /> concern that direct access to the north side would invite loitering, smoking and other undesirable <br /> behavior in what is essentially his backyard. He said the residents of Curtis Circle and Harvey Court are <br /> unanimously in favor of the in lieu affordable element. He also said they had expressed a desire for <br /> City Council Minutes Page 6 of 18 March 18,2014 <br />
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