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the hills in order to preserve significant natural features such as ridgelines, hilltops, oak <br /> woodland, creeks, and steep slopes." She inquired how "hilltops" can be reconciled <br /> with building a home whose roofline is above the top of the only hill that can be seen <br /> from the houses of a lot of people on Vineyard Avenue. <br /> Ms. Stern replied that the highest point is about 536 feet; the original proposal was <br /> 515 feet, which is approximately 21 feet below the highest point; and what is now being <br /> proposed is another five feet farther down, which puts the building pad for Lot 2 over <br /> almost 30 feet below that highest point. She indicated that there would be potentially <br /> some angles where the house could cut into the sky above the hilltop, but is will be just <br /> a small part of that home as opposed to a large visual prominence on the hilltop. <br /> Commissioner Allen requested verification of her understanding that staffs <br /> recommendation, Alternative No. 1, is that a 30-foot high home is actually five feet <br /> above the ridge top; and Alternative No. 2, which staff is not recommending at this <br /> stage, would be right at the hilltop. <br /> Ms. Stern replied that was correct. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor added that this is if there is a limit to a 35- or 36-foot tall <br /> structure. <br /> Commissioner Allen noted that this is for Lot 2. <br /> Ms. Stern replied that it is a 30-foot height limit for Lot 2; and the other house is the split <br /> lot. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor noted that Alternative No. 2 would actually be below it; but <br /> again, it is the visual from below looking up, as opposed to looking directly on. He <br /> added that if it matches the hilltop or stays five feet below, and the view from down <br /> below will skirt past that and into the blue sky. <br /> Commissioner Allen agreed. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor stated that the Specific Plan also stated and was quoted by <br /> Mr. Flashman that "Residential development in Subarea 3 is to be sited to preserve <br /> significant natural features such as major ridgelines and hilltop areas." He noted that <br /> both of those plans really hit on that. <br /> Ms. Harryman said yes; but that quote is only part of a sentence; there is more to that <br /> sentence. <br /> Chair Olson asked staff if its recommendation leaves the Environmental Impact <br /> Report (EIR) for the Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan intact and that there is no <br /> CEQA violation here. <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, February 12, 2014 Page 5 of 18 <br />