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July 2, 2012 <br /> Job No. 1806.101A <br /> Page 3 <br /> SITE GRADING <br /> The on-site soils are generally suitable for engineered fill, provided they are free of debris, <br /> significant vegetation, rocks greater than 6 inches in largest dimension and other deleterious <br /> matter. <br /> In engineered fill and building pad areas, the upper foot of existing ground should be <br /> overexcavated, and the exposed grade should be scarified to a depth of about 12 inches,properly <br /> moisture conditioned to at least 3 percent above the optimum moisture content and compacted to <br /> a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction as determined by ASTM D1557. Cut and fill <br /> slopes should be graded at 2H:1 V. <br /> Fill slopes should be keyed and benched into the hillside and should include a subdrain. <br /> Keyways should slope back into the slope at a 5 percent gradient, extend a minimum of 4 feet <br /> into completed soil, and have,a width of 15 feet or half the fill slope height, whichever is greater: <br /> All fill should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D1557) at <br /> 3 percent above optimum. Horizontal benches should be excavated to key the fill into native <br /> material. <br /> A keyway subdrain should be located along the upslope side of the keyway and consist of a 6; <br /> inch diameter perforated PVC pipe placed holes down surrounded by 6 inches of Class 2 <br /> Permeable .Material. ,The subdrain should discharge via a closed pipe to the proposed storm <br /> drain system. <br /> We recommend that supplemental investigations be performed for each proposed residence when <br /> specific house plans become available. Foundation recommendations can be provided upon <br /> request. We trust this provides the information needed at this time If you have any questions, <br /> please contact us. <br /> LIMITATIONS <br /> The conclusions and recommendations of this geotechnical investigation report are based on the <br /> information provided to us regarding the proposed development, subsurface conditions <br /> encountered at the test pit locations, laboratory tests and professional judgment. The study has <br /> been conducted in accordance with current professional geotechnical engineering standards; no <br /> other warranty is expressed or implied. <br /> The locations of the test pits were estimated by pacing from existing features and should be <br /> considered approximate only. The test pits show subsurface conditions encountered at the <br /> locations and dates indicated; it is not warranted that they are representative of such conditions at <br /> other Iocations or times. <br /> BERLOGAR STEVENS&ASSOCIATES <br />