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2nd~ That the hereinmbove described property shall be used as and shall con- <br />stitute a l~blic street in the ~own of 21easanton, County of '~lameda, ~t'~te of <br />California, and shall be ~nd constitute a contin~ation of <br />Railroad Avenue l <br /> <br /> T~at the ~lsrk of the ~o~n of Pleaeanton be and he is hereb~ aathc~lsed <br />and em[oo~ered to h:~ve said Deed recorded on beh~f of the 2~m ~f Pt asanton, <br />in the office of the County Recorder of the County of <br /> <br />Cal ifornia~ <br /> Adopted ~d passeA ~ vote of ~ membe~ of ~e 2~ Oo~cil of the <br />To~ of P~asanto~ On the ~t <br /> <br />Maxtor of the 2own of Pieasant~ <br /> <br />ATTEST8 <br /> <br /> Cl*rk' of the ~own of Pleaeanton <br /> <br />Presented to and approved by ms this let d~f of December, 1~30. <br /> <br />~ayor of the To~ of ?lemsanto~ <br /> <br /> <br />