Enterprise Funds
<br /> Water Operations and Maintenance Fund — As shown in Table 5, recommended
<br /> changes to the Water Operations and Maintenance Fund include an increase in
<br /> revenues of $345,131 mainly due to an increase in water usage by the City's water
<br /> customers due to dry weather conditions. Changes also include a net increase in
<br /> expenses of $256,760. The net increase includes a decrease in personnel cost due to
<br /> savings from open positions ($77,025) offset by an increase in non-personnel costs
<br /> ($333,785) mainly attributable to the purchase of additional water from Zone 7 due to
<br /> weather conditions and an increase in material and supplies costs.
<br /> Table 5.Water Operations and Maintenance Fund Overview
<br /> 2013/14FY
<br /> 2013/14FY Midyear Budget Adjustments Recommended
<br /> Original Budget Personnel Non-Personnel Other Midyear Budget
<br /> Beginning Fund Balance $ 6,435,984 $ - . $ - $ - $ 6,435,984
<br /> Plus Revenues 21,292,357 - - 345,131 21,637,488
<br /> Transfers In 269,288 - - - 269,288
<br /> Transfers Out 2,100,000 - - - 2,100,000
<br /> Less Expenses 19,553,754 (77,025) 333,785 _ 19,810,514
<br /> Ending Fund Balance $ 6,343,875 $ 77,025 $ (333,785) $ 345,131 $ 6,432,246
<br /> Sewer Operations and Maintenance Fund — As shown in Table 6, recommended
<br /> changes to the Sewer Operations and Maintenance Fund total $7,086 and include a
<br /> decrease in personnel costs of$6,886 and a decrease in non-personnel costs of$200.
<br /> Table 6. Sewer Operations and Maintenance Fund Overview
<br /> 2013/14FY
<br /> 2013114FY Midyear Budget Adjustments Recommended
<br /> Original Budget Personnel Non-Personnel Other Midyear Budget
<br /> Beginning Fund Balance $ 3,807,331 $ 3,807,331
<br /> Plus Revenues 13,009,616 13,009,616
<br /> Transfers In 300,246 300,246
<br /> Transfers Out 1,384,253 1,384,253
<br /> Less Expenses 11,925,573 (6,886) (200) _ 11,918,487
<br /> Ending Fund Balance $ 3,807,367 $ 6,886 $ 200 $ - $ 3,814,453
<br /> Golf Course Operations Fund — As shown in Table 7, recommended changes to the
<br /> Golf Course Operations Fund include a $20,000 increase in material & supplies
<br /> expenses for a maintenance upgrade to the golf course. As a result of this increase in
<br /> expenses the net operating income will be reduced by $20,000 and the Transfer to the
<br /> General Fund at year-end will be $20,000 less than originally anticipated.
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