<br />RESOLUTION N0. 2027
<br />
<br />BE IT RESOLVED, that public interest and necessity requires
<br />the acquisition by the Town oP Pleasanton, a municipal corporation, oP
<br />the Following described real property situate in the County oP Alameda,
<br />State oP Calitcrnis:
<br />A portion of that certain parcel oY land designated as parcel
<br />69 oP laude conveyed by Spring Valley Water Company to Gity gad County
<br />oP San F'ranoiseo by deed dated March 3, 1930 and recorded March 3, 1930
<br />in Volume 2350 at page 1, OPPiaisl Reoorda, Alameda County, said portion
<br />being more particularly described as Pollowa:
<br />PARCEL 1 COMDdEtdCING at a point in the westerly boundary oP the existing
<br />Main Street, being also the moat southerly corner of that certain parcel
<br />oP land conveyed by Ernest H. Carrol et al, to Elmer L. Lovelace et al,
<br />by deed dated duly 12, 1948 and recorded August 12, 1948 in Volume 5580
<br />at page 427, OPPieial Reeards, Alameda County; hereinafter referred to
<br />as the Lovelace Parcel, said point being distant along said westerly
<br />boundary of Main Street, south 24020' west 688.98 Peet from its intersec-
<br />tion with the southerly boundary of the existing County Road 2,000, also
<br />Imown as Bernal Avenue; thence, Prom said point o3 commencement and run-
<br />ning along the northwesterly line of the existing Southern PaoiPic Company
<br />right-oP-way, south 41001'03" west 111.30 Peet, south 38030'57" west
<br />100.03 feet and south 40046'30" west 402.29 Peet; thence on a curve to
<br />the left, with a radius of 5779.60 Peet through a central angle of 6°30'15"
<br />an arc distance oP 656.09 Peet to a point, designated a8 Point "A"; thence,
<br />leaving said northwesterly boundary of the Southern Pao ifie Company right-
<br />of-way, north b6059'30" west 40.00 tee t; thence on a curve to the right,
<br />tangent bearing north 3401b'44" east, with a radius oP 5619.60 feet through
<br />a central angle of 603U'46"-an arc distance o3 661.514 feet, thence, con-
<br />tinuing north 40046'30"-east, 401.97 feet, north 39050'OU" east, 200.83
<br />Peet to a point in the southerly boundary oP the above mentioned Lovelace
<br />Parcel; thence along said southerly boundary south 64022' east 41.24 Peet
<br />to the point oP commencement.
<br />CONTAINING 1.i7 sexes, more or leas.
<br />PARCEL 2
<br />COMd~NCING at a point in the northwesterly boundary o3 the
<br />existing Southern Pacific Co. right-of-way (said point being designated
<br />sa "Point "A" in parcel 1) thence, from said point of commencement, and
<br />running along said northwesterly boundary of the Southern Pacific Company
<br />right-oP-way, on a curve to the left with a radius of 57`/9 .6U feet through
<br />a central angle of 1015'45" an arc distance of 12•x.35 Yee t; thence, con-
<br />tinuing south 33000'30".west 13'/2.65 Yeet to s point in the centerline o3
<br />a drainage ditch; thence, leaving said northwesterly boundary oY the
<br />Southern Pacific Company right-of-way, and following the centerline o=
<br />said drainage ditch, south 59010'51° west 94.94 Yeet, south 75017'10"
<br />west 111.03 Yee t, south o5011'S9" west 280.'19 Yeet, south 'r 7053'46'1 west
<br />154.4b Yeet and south 71025'11" tivest 84.2u feet thence, leaving the cen-
<br />terline of said drainage ditch north 330UG'3U" east 2U14'.b5 Yeet; thence
<br />at right angles south 5ci059'3U" east 5U1.4z Yeet to the point oY com;:ience-
<br />ment:
<br />COSdi'AI,~II~G LU.33 acres.
<br />-1-
<br />