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EXHIBIT B <br /> Ordinance No. 2086 <br /> feasible. At the applicant's expense,the City may hire an expert to review the provider's <br /> evidence and determine whether other locations may be feasible. <br /> 6. Visibility from Freeways. Personal wireless service facilities shall be prohibited at <br /> locations that are readily visible from the I-580 and I-680 freeways unless the provider <br /> can demonstrate that there are no other feasible sites and that every effort has been <br /> made to conceal or camouflage the facility. <br /> 7. Exception Required to Meet State or Federal Law. The decision-making body <br /> may grant an exception to any requirement of this ordinance, including the Locational <br /> Priorities in this section, if the applicant can show that strict compliance with the code <br /> would violate federal or state law. <br /> 18.110.060 Collocation. <br /> The zoning administrator may require a personal wireless service provider to collocate its personal <br /> wireless service facilities with other existing or proposed facilities if the proposed antennas would comply <br /> with the provisions of this chapter and it would be structurally and technically feasible that the collocation <br /> site can service the same or a similar coverage area as proposed; and if the zoning administrator <br /> determines that the proposed personal wireless service facilities would have less of an adverse visual <br /> impact than two or more single noncollocated personal wireless service facilities. (Ord. 1743 § 1, 1998) <br /> 18.110.070 Stealth techniques. <br /> A. All personal wireless service facilities shall be located so as to minimize their visibility and, <br /> unless determined by the zoning administrator to be concealed from view, designed to ensure that <br /> they will not appear as an antenna facility. To minimize visual impacts, all personal wireless service <br /> facilities determined by the zoning administrator to be visible to the public or properties in the <br /> vicinity shall incorporate appropriate stealth techniques to camouflage, disguise and/or blend them <br /> into the surrounding environment. Personal wireless service facilities shall be in scale and <br /> architecturally integrated with surrounding building design(s)or natural setting in such a manner as <br /> to be visually unobtrusive. <br /> B. Antennas mounted on structures or on architectural details of a building shall be treated to <br /> match existing architectural features and colors found on the building. Façade-mounted antennas <br /> shall be integrated into the building's architecture through design, color, and texture. <br /> C. Roof-mounted antennas shall be located in an area of the roof where the visual impact is <br /> minimized. Roof-mounted and ground-mounted antennas shall not be allowed when they are placed <br /> in direct line of sight of significant or sensitive view corridors or where they adversely affect scenic <br /> vistas, unless facilities incorporate appropriate, creative stealth techniques to camouflage, disguise, <br /> and/or blend them into the surrounding environment, as determined by the zoning administrator. <br /> D. Aboveground and partially buried equipment cabinets shall be located where they will be the <br /> least visible from surrounding properties and public places. Aboveground and partially buried <br /> equipment cabinets shall require screening from surrounding properties and public view. Any visible <br /> portion of an equipment cabinet shall be treated to be architecturally compatible with surrounding <br /> structures and/or screened using appropriate techniques to camouflage, disguise, and/or blend it into <br /> the environment. If the zoning administrator determines that an equipment cabinet is not or cannot <br /> be adequately screened from adjacent properties or from public view or architecturally treated to <br /> 7 <br />