K.Transitional housing, subject to the provisions of Chapter 18.107. (Ord. 2062 § 2, 2013; Ord.
<br /> 2061 § 2, 2013; Ord. 1885 § 2, 2003; Ord. 1880, 2003; Ord. 1743, 1998; Ord. 1636 § 5, 1994; Ord.
<br /> 1126 § 7, 1984; prior code § 2-6.24)
<br /> 18.36.040 Condil:ional uses.
<br /> The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the RM districts upon the granting of a use permit, in
<br /> accord with the provisions of Chapter 18.124 of this title:
<br /> A.Charitable institutions.
<br /> B.Churches, convents, monasteries, parish houses, parsonages and other religious institutions.
<br /> C.Golf courses.
<br /> D.Hospitals and sanitariums, not including hospitals and sanitariums for mental, drug addict or
<br /> liquor addict cases.
<br /> E. Lodging houses.
<br /> F. In the RM-1,500 district only, motels.
<br /> G.Nursery schools.
<br /> H.Private recreation parks and swim clubs.
<br /> I. Private schools,tutorial schools, and colleges, not including art, craft, music, dancing, business,
<br /> professional or trade schools or colleges.
<br /> J. Private noncommercial clubs and lodges, not including hiring halls.
<br /> K.Public utility and public service facilities including pumping stations, power transmission
<br /> stations, power distribution stations, equipment buildings, service yards, drainageways and
<br /> structures, water reservoirs, percolation basins, well fields, and storage tanks. These facilities must
<br /> be found by the planning commission to be necessary for the public health, safety, or welfare.
<br /> L. Trailer parks in accord with the regulations prescribed in Chapter 18.108 of this title.
<br /> M. Accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a conditional use and the
<br /> following accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted use or a conditional
<br /> use that has been granted a use permit:
<br /> 1. Small electricity generator facilities located on the same site as multi-family dwellings, a
<br /> charitable institution, religious institution, golf course, hospital, sanitarium, lodging house,
<br /> motel, nursery school, nursing home, senior care/assisted living facility, private recreation
<br /> park, private swim club, private school, private noncommercial club, or public facility and that
<br /> meet the following criteria:
<br /> a. The fuel source for the generators shall be natural gas, bio diesel, or the
<br /> byproduct of an approved cogeneration or combined cycle facility;
<br /> b. The facilities shall use the best available control technology to reduce air
<br /> pol lution;
<br /> c. The facilities shall not create any objectionable odors at any point outside of the
<br /> property plane where the facilities are located;
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