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all sums co~,~ing ~ue for principal ~nd interest on such bonds, a tax <br />sufficient to pay the animal interest on such bonds ~s the same becomes <br />due, gad ~a~ ~uch ~rt of the ~rincigal thereof ~s sh~ll become due <br />before the proceeds of s tax levieo st the time for ~akiD~ the next <br />general t~x levy c~ se made available for the ~ayment of such ~rincipsl. <br />Said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes levi~_ for mu~cipal <br />ourposes, ~d ~all be collected at the s~e time and in the same ms~er <br />as other mm~icipal taxes a~r~ collected, ~d be used for no other ~urpose <br />than the payment of acid bonds and scoruin~ interest. ~aid t~es es <br />collected shall be forthwith paid into the f~md for which the smme ¥~ere <br />levied and collected and which shall be desiD~ated "fo~.m of Ple~s~nton <br /> <br /> ~ ,~ ~- due for the ~rinci- <br /> 1953 Improvem~'.nt Bono F~d," and all sm~]s ~4o ~eco ..... <br /> <br /> pal of and intere~;t on sai¢ oonds shall be ps:id from such fm:d. There <br /> shall lixevdse be deposited in said fm~d any ::~oaeys received on account <br /> of interest aoc~,td on said bonds, from their date to the date of <br /> delivery ~d actual payment of the pure, asa orice thereof. <br /> <br /> SecZion 7. There is hereby created ~d established one f~zd which <br /> ~:~hat[ be ~ept by the i'reasuz.~r of the Zoom of 2ieata~'~ton, into <br /> shall be deposite¢ the proceeds of the sale of the bonos, as follows: <br /> <br /> (8) "Mu~&ci?sl Water .~orks 1353 Construction Fund, Pro~.;osition A~' <br /> b2 which a record shall be kept of the disbursement o:f the proceeds of <br /> the sale of $115, {~0 . 00 0rincipal ~om}t of said ToYm of Pleasanton 1953 <br /> I..::provement Bonds (other them accrued interest received on the <br /> said bonds), and such proceeds shall be appalled solely to the ~urposes <br /> ~d objects s~)ecified in Propo:;ition A '(~(mnici?l ,Cater forks Construcz- <br /> ion) set forth in Section 2 of thi~- resolution. <br /> ~y premi~u received u~.~n the sale of the ~ ~' ~'~ <br /> <br /> oe apportioned to the fund 5e~.cribed above 'm~]er sub?rsgrm~h~ (s) of <br /> this ~ection 7 of the To~,m of Fleazanton. <br /> <br /> n~aber of blm~ bonds and cou~ons of suitable quality to be lithographe~ <br /> .~rinted or engraved, ~d to cause the 01anx spaces thereof to be filled <br /> in to co~.~ly ruth the oroviaions hereof, and to ~rocure their ezecution <br /> oy the pro,er officers~ aaa to Celiver the~, when so e;;ecuted, to the <br /> <br /> <br />