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PROPOSITI 01[ A: <br /> <br /> 2hall the To~m of Pi.~c ~c.nton incur s' ' ~ <br /> e oono. e~, indebted- <br /> ~ ~ ~mount of ,~,115,000.C~) to pay <br />n~s~:: in the ~rincipal s~ or ~ ~ - ~ <br />the cost of 2he ~c%~sition,° construction and oomoletion <br />of the m~icipal improvem::nt, to ~t: Improvement <br />of the m~icipaI ~ter system] inclu~ng a new wste~ reser- <br />voir, transmission ~d distribution~li~es, oipe~, valves, <br />fittings, wells, oum~s, machine~, op~ratus, equipment, <br /> <br />structures necessary or conve~ent for the ~morovement of <br />the m~icioal ~.~ster syste?~ of the tovm of Pl~assnton? <br /> <br />~ +'-' cones shall be ~s::uea as hereinafter set <br />~ec~on $. Th t said '~ ' ' ' <br /> <br />forth, and shall be sold in accordance ~,,ith law ~:t not less than their <br /> <br /> - ~ : ' ~ ~ '~'~ ~ ~ o~ .~lla,O00.O0 in <br />.oar value aha aoorueo llla, ere~o. ~olo oOi-lGS sh-ll <br /> <br />~ggregste ~rincipal ex:~o~t and shall Se xnou'n as "Toxin off Ple~ssnton <br />1953 I:.?rovemtnt Bonds." 2aid bonds sh~lt be negotiable in form, end <br />cz the character ~no~m es serial ~:~. ah~ll be 11~ in nu::foer, nu~tbered <br />consecutively from 1 to 115, both inclusive, <br /> <br />$1,000.00 each. ~aid bonds shall be dazed ~_JSt~ <br /> <br />is h.reby fi::ed and ~'eter tined to be the date of the is'ua off such <br />Oonds). Ail of said bonds shall bear interest frou their date ~til <br />~aid st the ret~ or rates 6e~i~nste~ by the City Council of the Tm'm <br />of Pleasanton at the ti:~e of the sale of sai~ bonSs, but not to exceed <br /> <br />four (4) 'per centu~.~ per annu~, pay~b!e se~i-:~m,~usdly, Such interest <br />shall ~e evidenced by coupons att::cha5 to each bon~, an~ each of saia <br />c~upons shall reor~sont sir ~mnths' interes~t on the bond to ~',-hich it <br />is at~ch~f. Said intere~-t coupons ~ !l ~c payable on the [5thdaY <br /> <br />of ~mary , ~o the lSth d.~y of July , in e~ch year ~til and <br /> <br />at the r ea?ective d~tes of ~-turity of .:cio bonds (the first o-~u;~on <br />on e~ch bond red, resenting inter~- t from July 15 , 1953, t~ J~uary <br /> <br />1954). Ss~id cones snail ~0.~:ture and ce 2ay~bte in consecutive nu~.~ericsl <br />order, .fr,m~ lo: er v,,~ hi,er, as follows, t}-,'it: <br /> $3 000 'orinci'osl s,,aunt , f ~-,mh bonds sh~~11 <br /> mature s_~:~d be beys!ale on thel[~h ds~y of July in <br /> e;i~ch of the years from 1954 to 19~8, both inclusive. <br /> <br /> ~,000 ;rz~_~ci~ml ~.uunt o-~ such <br />each of the yeg~rs fro~ 1959 to <br /> <br /> $5,000-orzncio~l a~ount of such <br />~ture a d be pay~'ble on th~ i:Sth Jay <br />e~ch of the years from 19~7 to 1[~71, <br /> <br />~onds shall <br />of July in <br />both inclusive. <br /> <br />bonds shall <br />of July in <br />Ooth inclusive. <br /> <br /> <br />