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Task Force is recommending that the City Council ask staff to continue to evaluate these two <br /> items. <br /> IV. PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Notices regarding the proposed amendments and related public hearing were sent to property <br /> owners and tenants within the entire Downtown Specific Plan Area (shown on Exhibit K), the <br /> Task Force members, and interested parties who contacted staff requesting such notice. The <br /> public notice was also published in The Valley Times. <br /> At the time this report was written, staff had received comments (Exhibit J) from the Pleasanton <br /> Downtown Association (discussed in the section below) requesting changes in order to clarify <br /> and simplify future development process in Downtown and from Michael Harmon, 4453 Second <br /> Street, expressing concern that he will have difficulty with a planned house addition and garage <br /> replacement. Staff will forward to the Commission any additional public comments as they are <br /> received. <br /> Pleasanton Downtown Association Comments <br /> Changes listed under Item #1 <br /> The Pleasanton Downtown Association (PDA) is requesting changes to two existing Specific <br /> Plan policies that only apply to commercial properties. The PDA's suggested edits would <br /> weaken the existing policies by discouraging the demolition of historically significant <br /> commercial properties (currently states prohibit demolition) and by removing "height, floor <br /> area, bulk, massing, and setbacks" from a policy stating that new non-residential building design <br /> should draw upon the primary exterior features of the Downtown's traditional design character. <br /> Staff notes that the Council directed the Task Force to not impose new regulations on the <br /> commercial properties, but it did not direct the Task Force to weaken the existing commercial <br /> policies. In addition, these policies have been in place since 2002 and staff does not feel they <br /> are an impediment to commercial development and does not see the need to weaken them and <br /> that they are needed to protect historic commercial structures from demolition such as the <br /> Pleasanton Hotel. Therefore, staff does not support the suggested edits. <br /> Changes listed under Item #2 <br /> The PDA is requesting that Specific Plan policy 7 be rewritten to only apply to residential <br /> properties, not commercial. Staff notes that this policy currently applies to all properties (both <br /> residential and commercial) in the Downtown Specific Plan Area. The Task Force's <br /> recommended amendments would provide more flexibility to all properties including <br /> commercial as it changes the language stating that additions/modifications to historic buildings <br /> "should match the original" to "should complement the original." Furthermore, the language the <br /> Task Force added stating that additions/modifications should be consistent with the Secretary of <br /> the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation would apply under State law (California <br /> Environmental Quality Act) whether it was mentioned in the policy or not (unless an applicant <br /> P13-2446/P13-4447/P13-4448 Page - 13 - November 13, 2013 <br />