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Commissioners and five at-large Pleasanton residents. At its October 26, 2011, meeting, the <br /> Planning Commission designated Commissioners Phil Blank and Jennifer Pearce to participate <br /> on the Task Force. The Pleasanton residents were selected through the City's normal application <br /> and selection process, whereby the Mayor and each Councilmember made one selection to the <br /> Task Force. On December 6, 2011, the City Council confirmed the appointments to the seven- <br /> member Historic Preservation Task Force consisting of: <br /> 1. Planning Commission members (2 members): <br /> - Jennifer Pearce <br /> - Phil Blank' <br /> 2. At-large members (5 members): <br /> - Emilie Cruzan <br /> - Linda Garbarino <br /> - Gerald Hodnefield <br /> - Paul Martin <br /> - Bonnie Krichbaum <br /> The focus of the Historic Preservation Task Force was to review current City Policies and <br /> processes to determine if they: <br /> a) Provide adequate protection of historic resources, and <br /> b) Allow for an efficient and clear process for projects involving historic preservation issues. <br /> The Task Force met twelve times since February 2012. The following are some of the items that <br /> were accomplished before making their final recommendations: <br /> • Reviewed and discussed the existing Specific Plan, Guidelines, Policies, procedures, and <br /> supporting documentation. <br /> • Reviewed other applicable regulations and guidelines such as the California <br /> Environmental Quality Act and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic <br /> Preservation. <br /> • Reviewed other Cities' approaches to Historic Preservation. <br /> • Reviewed the Mills Act and program requirements. <br /> • Obtained professional consulting services and had a local Historic Context Statement <br /> prepared. <br /> • Conducted a public survey of the concepts and topics the Task Force was focusing on. <br /> • Hosted a public workshop to receive comments and to provide information. <br /> • Created a subcommittee and completed four public outreach meetings. <br /> Meeting summaries of the 12 Task Force meetings are available online at the City's website <br /> ( or upon request at <br /> the Planning Division. <br /> 1 Phil Blank's term as a Planning Commissioner ended on June 12,2013. At the July 16,2013,City Council meeting,the <br /> Council retained Phil Blank as a member of the Task Force until its conclusion. <br /> P13-2446/P13-4447/P13-4448 Page -2 - November 13, 2013 <br />