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DRAFT <br /> Commissioner Ritter stated that he would be the same. <br /> Chair Pearce asked Commissioner Ritter if he wanted all of Mr. MacDonald's suggestions <br /> too. <br /> Commissioner Ritter replied that he would like Policy #8 changed to have the FAR match <br /> that of the rest of the City. <br /> Chair Pearce clarified that what she was asking Commissioner Olson is whether he wants <br /> all of Mr. MacDonald's suggestions incorporated in the motion and not just the FAR <br /> because she was going to entertain a discussion about a FAR if it would get him to a "yes," <br /> but if it is all of Mr. MacDonald's suggestions, then she would recommend that the <br /> Commission move for a vote. <br /> Commissioner Posson inquired if the Commission can discuss that a little more. <br /> Chair Pearce said yes. <br /> Commissioner Posson stated that frankly, that is the area where he got some heartburn. <br /> He noted that the City is going to go out and do a survey, and he is wondering whether or <br /> not it makes sense to reconsider the FAR language once the City gets a firm understanding <br /> of how many properties and what specific properties are affected by this. He indicated that <br /> he is very concerned about restricting the residents' ability to modernize their homes. He <br /> added that he understands the compatibility issue and providing certainty, but he just does <br /> not want to put a numerical limit or any restrictions in there. He suggested that this may be <br /> something the Commission wants to consider recommending to the Council, that the <br /> Council take a look at that 25-percent limit after the survey is completed. <br /> Mr. Dolan stated that he just wants to clarify as the Commission considers that suggestion, <br /> that this does apply to all the properties in the Specific Plan Area and so that is what the <br /> concept issue is now. <br /> Chair Pearce added that it is not just the ones in the Historic area, but it is the compatibility <br /> issue with regard to Downtown. She asked the Commissioners if that clarification helps. <br /> Commissioner Posson stated that it confounds his decision. <br /> Chair Pearce asked Commissioner Posson if he wants to have more discussion on the <br /> FAR as he seconded her motion. <br /> Commissioner Posson stated that he is ready to vote. He added that when this does go to <br /> Council, he hopes that the Council will look long and hard at that 25-percent and whether <br /> that is equitable. He stated that if there are any residents that have heartburn with that <br /> limit, they should speak out loud and clear to the Council. <br /> DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 11/13/2013 Page 25 of 28 <br />