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DRAFT <br /> 4. What is a Historic Resource? Policy 1 says historic resource is a residential building <br /> built before 1942 ... determined using the Pleasanton Downtown Historic Context <br /> Statement to be eligible for listing in the California Register. <br /> Mr. MacDonald stated that Mr. Dolan told the Chamber this morning that the reference <br /> to the Context Statement does not change the requirement that each property <br /> designated a historic resource must meet the full criteria for California Register listing. <br /> He noted that that is a helpful clarification and that he is ready to take Mr. Dolan's word <br /> so the word change is not warranted. He added that he comes from the trust-but-verify <br /> school of thought when it comes to new government regulations. He stated that he <br /> thinks the Planning Commission should request that the Comprehensive Historic <br /> Resource Survey to be performed based on those criteria be brought back to the <br /> Planning Commission and City Council. He pointed out that each property <br /> recommended for designation as a historic resource, and the factual basis for that <br /> designation should be vetted by the people whose property is being designated. He <br /> emphasized that the final determination of a property as a historic resource should be <br /> made by the City Council and not by some consultant. He indicated that that is a <br /> needed safeguard to assure that the standards are reasonably applied. <br /> 5. Converts Guidelines into Mandates. Mr. Dolan stated earlier that Policy 10 is not <br /> intended to make the guidelines mandatory to the extent that they are mandatory or <br /> voluntary now, and that they will stay that way. <br /> Mr. MacDonald stated that Mr. Dolan gave the clarification that he was hoping for. <br /> Mike Peel stated that he attended Task Force Meetings #1 through #7 and that at the last <br /> Task Force meeting, he was told that items decided by the previous six Task Force <br /> meetings were not going to be changed or discussed. He called attention to the paragraph <br /> on height and mass on page 35 of the Downtown Design Guidelines: "In the immediate <br /> area, homes on the lots within 200 feet of the subject lot." He indicated that this was <br /> decided in Task Force Meeting #6 and that he could not bring up any discussion on it in <br /> Task Force Meeting #7. <br /> Mr. Peel stated that on October 4, 2013, he got an email from Steve Otto stating that <br /> paragraph 8 on page 9 of 12 of the changes, the "200 feet" is now changed to "150 feet of <br /> the subject property." He noted that this was not discussed in the last Task Force Meeting, <br /> and, therefore, he does not know if it got changed by staff or by the Task Force itself. He <br /> questioned who is going to determine the square footage of the surrounding 18 to <br /> 25 homes. He stated that, as a real estate broker, he knows that on the tax records, the <br /> square footages of these older homes are misleading, and some do not even exist. He <br /> questioned what if one of the surrounding neighbors does not want the applicant to come <br /> onto their property to measure their house, and how can the applicant then get the accurate <br /> measurements of the houses surrounding the subject property. <br /> DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 11/13/2013 Page 12 of 28 <br />