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DRAFT <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that the only one that would be available is the Mills Act program, and <br /> Council was not supportive of it. <br /> Commissioner Ritter inquired if it is necessary to designate an area in order to do the Mills <br /> Act program. <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that the City would have to adopt a program, and then there are <br /> regulations that control that program. <br /> Commissioner Ritter inquired if someone who wanted to replace a window would need to <br /> go through a special process because of the façade. <br /> Mr. Dolan said no. He added that this refers to the definition of demolition, and the City's <br /> view is very generous. He indicated that if they keep the front ten feet looking like the old, <br /> they can do a lot in the back. He stated that the purpose is not to change the consideration <br /> of the replacement of a window—that is still the same process as the City has now. He <br /> explained that a like-for-like replacement is an over-the-counter process; and if some <br /> modest change is proposed, or if staff needs to determine whether or not it is consistent <br /> with the Secretary of the Interior Standards, then it is more complicated, possibly an actual <br /> Design Review application. He added that in most cases, if it is just a minor replacement, <br /> staff makes the finding that it is consistent with the Standards and the application is <br /> approved. <br /> Commissioner Ritter inquired what the FAR has to do with historic preservation and why <br /> the 25 percent over FAR; why not just have a standard FAR, the same one that applies to <br /> every place else in the City. <br /> Mr. Dolan replied that he understands the question and that it is a good one. He stated that <br /> this is something to eliminate an inconsistency that currently exists. He indicated that it <br /> really is a policy question. He posed the question; "Does the City want new homes to be <br /> roughly the same size as the ones near them, or is a flat-rate 40-percent FAR the answer <br /> for everything?" He added that since there was already a policy saying that they be <br /> consistent with each other, staff just wanted to eliminate the inconsistency between that <br /> policy and the 40-percent FAR requirement, and let everybody be able to predict the <br /> outcome before they went into a project and spent a bunch of time and money on designing <br /> something. <br /> Commissioner Ritter inquired if the same would apply for non-historic houses as well. <br /> Mr. Dolan said yes. <br /> Commissioner Ritter stated that he just wanted to keep them all the same and that he does <br /> not want to create more bureaucracy in the process. <br /> DRAFT EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, 11/13/2013 Page 8 of 28 <br />