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THE CITY OF EXHIBIT A <br /> mini ulu ! 111 <br /> LE ASANTON© <br /> DRAFT PLEASANTON MUNICIPAL CODE <br /> AMENDMENTS <br /> (Proposed new language is underlined and proposed deletions in stfikeeut) <br /> Demolition by Neglect <br /> Add the following section to Chapter 9.28 (Property Maintenance) of the Municipal Code: <br /> 9.28.025 Demolition by Neglect <br /> Every person in possession or control of a building and appurtenant premises in the <br /> Downtown Specific Plan Area shall maintain and keep in good repair such building and <br /> premises. "Good repair" means and includes that level of maintenance and repair which: (1) <br /> clearly ensures the continued availability of such building and premises for lawful reasonable <br /> uses; (2) prevents deterioration, dilapidation, and decay of any exterior portion of such <br /> building and premises; and (3) prevents deterioration, dilapidation, and decay of interior <br /> portions whose maintenance is necessary to prevent deterioration, dilapidation, and decay of <br /> an exterior feature. <br /> Modify Section 9.28.030 (Declaration of a public nuisance) as follows: <br /> Any property found to be maintained in violation of the foregoing section Sections 9.28.020 <br /> or 9.28.025 is declared to be a public nuisance and shall be abated by rehabilitation, removal, <br /> demolition or repair pursuant to the procedures set forth in this chapter, except that property <br /> in violation of Section 9.28.025 shall not be abated by demolition. The procedures for <br /> abatement set forth in this chapter shall not be exclusive and shall not in any manner limit or <br /> restrict the city from enforcing other city ordinances or abating public nuisances in any other <br /> manner provided by law. <br /> Modify Section 9.28.040 (Notification of nuisance) as follows: <br /> Whenever the city manager determines that any property within the city is being maintained <br /> contrary to one or more of the provisions of Sections 9.28.020 or 9.28.025, the city manager <br /> shall give written notice to the owner of the property stating the section(s) being violated. <br /> Such notice shall set forth a reasonable time limit, in no event more than 15 days, for <br /> correcting the violation(s) and may also set forth suggested methods of correcting the same. <br /> Such notice shall be served upon the owner in accordance with provisions of Section <br /> 9.28.060 covering service in person or by mail. <br />