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limited increased protection against exterior changes of existing historical buildings. It <br /> would also provide better clarity in our processes and would avoid the cost of future <br /> individual studies by consultants that are paid for by applicants. <br /> Level 3. Increased Partial implementation of Task Force recommendations (i.e., accept <br /> local context statement as primary resource document and basis for local <br /> standards, definition of demolition, design review for first-floor residential for <br /> historic buildings, clarify existing policies and guidelines, provide process flow <br /> chart). <br /> This would provide an update to the City's package of Historic preservation policies and <br /> regulations and address most of the Task Force's concerns without creating a Historic <br /> District or providing the Mills Act incentive. It would result in the protection of more <br /> historical buildings while providing better clarity in our processes, and would avoid the <br /> cost of future individual studies by consultants that are paid for by applicants. <br /> Level 4. Pursue all programs considered by the Task Force (i.e., local district with local <br /> standards for significance, accept Context statement as primary resource <br /> document and basis for local standards, definition of demolition, design review <br /> for first-floor residential for historic buildings, clarify existing policies and <br /> guidelines, provide process flow chart, complete comprehensive historic <br /> resource survey, implement Mills Act Program). <br /> This would provide a comprehensive update to the City's package of Historic <br /> preservation policies and regulations and address all of the Task Force's.concerns. It <br /> would result in the protection of more historical buildings while providing better clarity in <br /> our processes. It would also avoid the need for most future individual studies by <br /> consultants, and would provide some modest incentives to complete historic <br /> preservation activities by home owners. <br /> NEXT STEPS <br /> Based on Council direction, the Task Force members and staff will begin crafting <br /> recommendations as appropriate for revisions to the Downtown Specific Plan, the <br /> Downtown Design Guidelines, and amendments to the Municipal Code. At a future <br /> date, the recommendations will be brought to the Planning Commission for review and <br /> recommendation to the City Council. Ultimately the recommendations will be presented <br /> to the City Council for its review and consideration. <br /> Submitted Approved by:1 <br /> il/k...... <br /> Brian Dolan Nelson Fialho <br /> Director of City Manager <br /> Community Development <br /> Page 9 of 10 <br />