BE~II~IN~ at the point of intersection of the
<br />line of the Town of Ple~santon, ~s the same now exists, with
<br />the northwesterly bg~da~ line of the 1.164 acres, more oz
<br />les~, parcel of lsn~ described as "Parcel 1" in that certain
<br />Quitclaim Deed from City and Cowry of S~ Francisco, s m~i-
<br />cio~] cor,~or~zion t.~ Town of Ple~:nt~n, e m~icipal corpor-
<br />ation, recor~ed July 9, 19~1 ~n Book o~ of.O~o~[ Regords
<br />at gage 555 thereof, Re~?ras of Alameda Counvy,.
<br />an~ ~ing thence along the boundary line of the ~o~ of
<br />Plesssnton, ss the ?,~me now ~xists sou~.hqo~terly,
<br />sou~heas 6erly tO 8n ~tersectlo~ ~hereof w ~ t~; the ~ ~'~a steZ~.
<br />ri~t of way, 1~.~ ~'e,t in width, 9f the Central ~scific H8itw~y
<br />Com~osnv· thence leaving said bo~aary line of the Totem of
<br />P~.~L~L~n slon~' s8id southess~erlv ri~ht of way line southwesv-
<br />erly to the mo~v northerly co~er~ of t~at c~[ts~n l~.~ ac~es
<br />o~rce] of ]~nd conveyed by ~sris [eni~, a wlo. ow, to Town ol
<br />~[~[~n~in[-a municipal cSrporstion,, ~y deed dated ,September
<br />1910 ~a recorded in Bo~k 17~ of D~eds a~ pa~.ZS~.
<br />Recoros of Al~meda Co~tY, California, last s~la.~o~n~ ~el~g on
<br />~e wesVerly line of C~ty Road No. 819, ~commomy Knova ao
<br />Pless~ton-Sunol Rosd~ thence leaving ss~a southe~s?rl[
<br />of way line along said westerly line of ~lessanton-.~uno~
<br />southerly to the southeasterly corder.of ~na~ c~r~in ~.~0
<br />acres p~rcel of lend conveyed by Cner~es ~. uosve~o, a~ single
<br />man, tb To'~ of Pleas~ton, a m~icipal ?r~.~or~tion, .bi de[d
<br />d.~Ved J~e ~0, 1929 smd recorded in Book .~155 of Official ~,.ecords
<br /> ,~' .... ~ ~P'~ ~ e~ of Alameda Co~ty, C~lif?~is;
<br /> thence lesv~ng~ ss~ we ~erly line of Plesssntbn-S~ol Ro~d ~long
<br /> the ~.outherly oo~osry line of ~-' ~ ~: ~ ~ ~' ~
<br /> t, er.~o~ wi~h the ~orer~e~d sou%h-
<br />we terly to ~n inter:'ec~ion
<br /> e~e~.terly r~ght of way lzne of the Oentrsl Pacific Railway Comps, ny,
<br /> zhence northwe~:teriy in a direct line, orossing said right of ~.~y,
<br /> a*.~a ~autha~teytv O0~er Of the ~.$3 8orea, more or tess,
<br /> ~r~[ ~{~f~d"~esc~ibe8 ss ;'Parcel 2" in the nereSnsp?ve ?f~rred
<br /> o t~.uitolsi:,.~ Deed to To~ of Pleesanton, recorded ~n ~ook
<br /> of 0~ '~ecords st ~s~e 5~5 thereof, ~ec,~rds of Alamed,-~
<br /> C~lJfomie: thence along ~he southerly bo~csry l~ne of ss:~.,
<br /> acres, mo~8 or less, ~srcel of land southwesterly t,p t~e
<br /> southerly corner thereof; thence along the northwes'.zeriy
<br /> line of said ~.33 acres, more or les~, ~rce! of land northes, sv-
<br /> er},[ to the most northerly comer. ~hereof~ t~en? slon~ t~e north-
<br /> esszerly bo~dau line?f ~as~. ss~2. ~.[c~ o~ l~nd sou0he~:teIly to
<br /> ~ intersection there:o: w.i~n ~ne ~Io[6salc northwesterly
<br /> line of t~e 1.1~ acre, ~oze or les~., osrcel of land described ~s
<br /> "Parcel 1" in the hereinsbove r farted to~uitclaim Deed to Tow
<br /> of Pleessnton, recorded in Bo k 648~ of ?[$~i~l.Reco[ds et
<br /> 536 thereof, Records o~~ Als~me~'.~ Couaty, Oai~:om~8; tnenge.slgng
<br /> said no~t[v.'e~,terly boun~ery line northeasterly to the p'~m~ oI
<br /> begi~ing.
<br />
<br /> ~eid ~erritory hereinabove described is knovm ss ~n~
<br /> ns~ed as "To~,'n of Pleasanton Sewer Farm and Southe~ Pacific
<br />
<br /> ~D NOi!CE IS H~'E[~Y OI~ that on Tue~a~ , the 6~ day of
<br /> ~., 1954, et the hour of eight (8) o' clock P.M. of said day,
<br /> st ~d in the Co~cil Chamber of the City Co~c~ of the To~m of
<br /> Pless~ton located in the City Hall in the To:~.a of Plessanton,
<br /> Cowry of Al~m~a, Stets of California, oe and the same are
<br /> hereby l'ixed as the ~ay, hour and place when and where ~y pers~
<br />
<br />
<br />